- Secondly, the paper analyzes the influences of statistical error, capital flight and hot money inflow on net errors and omissions and finds out their interrelations. 其次对统计误差、资本外逃、热钱内流对净误差与遗漏的影响进行了分析,找出了它们之间的联系。
- Effect of Hot Money Inflow and the Prevention Policies 国际游资流入效应及其防范
- Speculation on a renminbi revaluation is likely to stay in place for a while and this will prompt more hot money inflows. 对人民币升值的投机可能会暂时持续,而这将促成更多的游资流入。
- While these transactions do no not count as hot money inflows, they are speculative in nature and add to China's official reserves and to banking liquidity, Zhao said. “由于这些交易并不会统计为热钱涌入,他们更加具有投机性,并且会增加中国的官方外汇储备和银行的流动性”赵这样说。
- In response, Wang Changjiang Securities analysts believe that Di Jiagu, although long-term oversold, but the market has not fully hot money inflows, the overall increase was small. 对此,长江证券分析师王跃认为,从低价股看,虽然长期超跌,但因市场热钱并未完全流入,总体看上涨幅度还是偏小。
- A BBC (basket-band-crawl) regime to guide the GCC ‘dinar’ stronger would entail the same issues (hot money inflows and accelerating pressures to appreciate) that China is experiencing now. 据此,通胀和经济增长无论在短期还是长期之中都存在正相关关系。
- on the other hand, upvalue anticipation of RMB is removed so that international hot money inflow is also reduced. 另一方面,使投机者对人民币的升值预期弱化,从而国际热钱的涌入也有所减少。
- hot money inflow 热钱涌入
- A renewed inflow of hot money betting on a yuan revaluation pushed the Hong Kong dollar to a 16-month high. 再度有热钱流入博人民币升值,把港元汇价推高至16个月的新高。
- China's inflow of hot money in a much sounder position, and even reverse out of danger, this decline in interest rates will contribute to the speed of the outflow of hot money. 我国热钱流入情况已大为好转,甚至有反向流出之虞,这种情况下降息更会助长热钱外流速度。
- Surely all that hot money has supercharged the demand for oil? 很自然地可以认为正是这些热钱推动了对石油的需求。
- Hot money : money is the last gasps before rain or near collapse? 作者:来源:楼王杂志发表时间:2006-06-18字号:大中小
- RMB appreciation of offshore gambling hot money in China is also what? 人民币升值后境外热钱在中国到底还赌些什么?
- With the recent hot plate of hot money to operate the rapid rotation of T +1. 近期的板块热点随着游资的T+1操作快速轮换。
- Experts : Who in the Shanghai property market sounding alarm hot money? 专家分析:是谁在为上海楼市拉响热钱警报?
- Foreign hot money, too, has turned tail as currency appreciation abated. 随着人民币升值放缓,海外热钱也已抽身而退。
- Hot money is notoriously unstable and even more notoriously procyclical. 热钱素有不稳定的恶名,名声更差的是其顺周期性。
- Expensive pre-survey : Shanghai property market to overseas hot money jumping? 高价楼盘大调查:海外热钱冲上海楼市来了吗?
- However, as the boorish market became bearish a month ago, the hot money has kept flowing back into the banks. 一个月前牛市转熊,大量热钱便源源不断地回流到了银行。
- The failure is manly caused by the trap of depreciation and the "hot money shock". 当代货币贬值的国际收支效应失灵问题主要来自于贬值陷阱及国际游资冲击。