- Surface-Active Waste Tire Crumbs Used in Rubber Modified Hot Mix Asphalt Mixture 表面活化处理的废胶粉用于改性热拌沥青混合料
- Roberts K. L., Kandhal P.S., Brown E. R., Lee D. Y. ,and Kennedy T. W. , Hot Mix Asphalt, Mixture Design, and Construction, 1st edition, NAPA Eduaction Foudation, Lanham, Maryland, 1991. 江柎荣,“拌合方式对再生沥青混凝土力学性质影响之研究”国立成功大学土木工程研究所硕士论文,中华民国86年6月。
- warm mix asphalt mixture 温拌沥青混合料
- hot- mix asphalt mixture 沥青混合料
- Performance of Recycled Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures. NCAT Report No. 95-1. 沈金安主编.;沥青及沥青混合料路用性能
- The presence of moisture in hot mix asphalt (HMA) causes loss of strength and durability of the mix, which is referred to as moisture damage. 路基土壤多位于地下水位面以上,呈现不饱和状态,功能为承载道路面层所传递而下的荷重。
- The temperature of loose paved hot asphalt mixture is measured with infrared thermography to analyze the uniformity of it. 检测结果表明,使用转运车时表面无离析率大于不使用转运车时;
- The use of hydrous zeolite is a type of warm mix asphalt. 掺加含水沸石是中温化技术的一种。
- TP 8294,Standard Test Method for Determining the Fatigue Life of Compacted Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Subjected to Repeated Flexural Bending[S]. 高英.;长大桥沥青混凝土铺装结构形式及施工工艺研究[R]
- The homogeneity of the asphalt mixture can be reflected by its indexes. 沥青混合料均匀性可以通过沥青混合料均匀性指标来反映;
- The target mix ratio design of expressway should direct correctly the construction,solve the problems accruing in design,such as the contradiction between the voidage and stability of asphalt mixture. 高速公路设计阶段的目标配合比设计要能够指导施工,同时能够正确解决在目标配合比设计中时有出现的沥青混合料空隙率与稳定度之间的矛盾等值得注意的问题。
- Mixed asphalt and crushed stone gravel or sand, used for paving or roofing. 沥青混泥土碎石或沙子与沥青的混合物,用于铺路或封层顶
- Jay Hensley,Al Palmer.Establishing Hot Mix Asphalt Mixing and Compaction Temperatures at the Project Level[J].ASPHALT.Spring/Summer 1998,12(2). 李闯民;李宇峙.;重载交通沥青混合料的压实特性探讨[J]
- It is concluded from the study that the absorption coefficient depends upon the air voids of asphalt mixture. 发现空隙率尤其是有效空隙率是影响沥青混合料吸声系数的关键因素;
- With the increase of the nominal maximum aggregate size, the homogeneity of the asphalt mixture deteriorates. 随着公称最大集料粒径的增大,沥青混合料均匀性变差。
- The conclusions are useful in effectively controlling VMA and enhancing the property of asphalt mixture. 结论对如何有效控制VMA,提高沥青混合料质量有实际意义。
- Immersion wheel trucking test was used for proving the effect of antistripping agent in asphalt mixture. 采用几种条件下处理过的沥青混合料试件在不同水温下的浸水车辙数据,说明了酰胺类抗剥剂的有效性。
- In addition, gradation differentials show influence on voids of asphalt mixture. 离析对路面空隙率有直接影响,当空隙率超过一定限度时,对路用性能影响很大。
- A new concept of destroy inflexion is brought forward and this point is regarded as the asphalt mixture's resistance. 同时结合无侧限抗压试验数据建立了求解混合料粘聚力和内摩擦角的公式。
- Mortar theory assumes that asphalt mixture is a dispersed system of multilevel interspace reticulate structure. 胶浆理论认为沥青混合料是一种多级空间网状结构的分散系。