- The movie will begin in five minutes. We'd better hotfoot it to the theater. 电影还有五分钟就要开场了!我们最好快一点去电影院!
- Life's not worth living unless he can win the hearts of the fairest maidens, then hotfoot it off the premises ASAP. 美女们的芳心,如果无法赢取,苟活在人间世,还有什么情趣?如果真是那样,不如让它遛掉,远离这付皮囊,而且越早越好。
- People coming off work hotfooted it down the street. 下班的人在街上匆匆行走。
- We hotfooted it down to the beach. 我们急急忙忙地赶到沙滩.
- We hotfooted it down the street. 我们在街上匆匆行走。
- Once the police arrived, we hotfooted it out of there. 警察一到,我们就急忙离开了那里。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你乐意的话,可以这样做。
- He hotfooted it out of town. 他火急地出城去。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather. 在这麽恶劣的天气里出去太荒唐。
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 没有空气调节器,在这间屋里很难入睡。
- It is necessary that he be sent there at once. 有必要马上派他到那里去。
- It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。
- It is very unwise for the girl to marry him. 这女孩嫁给他是很不明智的。
- It is wrong of you to bully the child. 你不该欺侮那个孩子。
- It was nothing less than a miracle. 那完全是个奇迹。
- It was painful to admit that I was wrong. 要我承认错了,是很费力的。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。