- They ought to leave their house right now. 这会儿他们大概从家里出来了。
- The temperature is here because there is baking house right beside it . 这里温度高是因为旁边有间烘房。
- Housing hock refers Chengdianren hands with the price obtained from the use of housing of all housing rights. 房屋典当是指承典人用价款从房屋所有人手中取得使用房屋的权利的行为。
- Instead, the lessee will also lease which was collateralized by the related housing rights affected. 反之,承租人的承租权也同样会因为该房屋被抵押而使相关的权益受到影响。
- Pick him up now. I don't care how sick he is. Bring him to my father's house right now. 马上接他来,我不管他病得有多重。只要他还在呼吸,我要你把他带到家父的房子去。现在!明白吗?现在!
- No. He left the house right after that. I suppose I should have called you earlier. 没有了。谈过这些以后他就出去了。我应该早一点打电话给你的。
- What kind of people put flower vases in every room in the house right before a hurricane? 什么样的人把花瓶在每个房间,在府前右飓风"?
- Her clothes are always right up to the minute. 她的衣服总是式样最新的。
- Colleen: Hi, I'm having a lot of plumbing problems. Can you send a plumber out to my house right away? 您好,我遇到了很多排水系统问题。你能立刻派出一名水管工来我家吗?
- Go to her house right now, knock on her door and tell her you love her, I know it extreme but desperate times call for desperate measures. 现在就去她家,敲她的门,告诉她你爱她,我知道这有些极端,但特殊的情况要特殊对待啊。
- Yeah, we actually rent a house right around the corner from there on Ashforth. That ice cream truck never leaves. Such a nightmare. 是啊,实际上我们租的房子就在那里和艾弗斯的街角那儿。那辆冰激凌车从来不开走。简直是个噩梦。
- Brad: Yeah, we actually rent a house right around the corner from there on Ashforth. That ice cream truck never leaves. Such a nightmare. 是啊,实际上我们租的房子就在那里和艾弗斯的街角那儿。那辆冰激凌车从来不开走。简直是个噩梦。
- And, houses right now ,you know,are unlivable, so most of the people are either living with their families or living in families and so forth. 而且目前房子都无法再住人了,所以大多数人要么和自己的家人住一起或者住在别人家里。
- And, houses right now, you know, are unlivable, so most of the people are either living with their families or living in shelters and so forth. 你知道,房子都不能住人了,因此大多数人要么与家人住一起,要么住在帐篷中。”
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- In the sunniest spot stood an old mansion surrounded by a deep moat.Great leaves grew from the vines on the walls of the house right down to the water's edge. 这栋宅邸被一条深长的壕沟所包围,茂盛的叶子从这栋房子干部上的藤蔓往下长,延伸到河水的边缘。
- A hut or group of huts for housing ranch workers. 工人棚屋供牧场工人居住的棚屋
- One line cuts another at right angles. 一条线与另一条线成直角相交。
- The residence or housing of a prefect. 古罗马或法国高级官员的住宅或房屋
- The road to the village branches off on the right. 通往该村的道路向右转为一条小路。