- A huge quantity of food was donated to poor people. 大批的食物捐赠给穷人。
- Huge quantities of steam may be erupted and then condense. 大量水气会喷发出来,然后冷凝成雨。
- There are probably huge quantities of crude oil beneath the surface. 在其地表下可能有大量原油。
- Desalting of crude oil consumes huge quantity of fresh water. 原油脱盐要消耗大量的新鲜水。
- The removal of import restrictions has opened the flood gates to huge quantities of cheap goods from the Far East. 取消进口限度使得大量远东的廉价货物得以进入。
- In all the rice-producing areas of the world, huge quantities of rice polishings and rice bran are produced. 世界上所有产稻地区生产大量的稻米细糠和稻米糠。
- Its coal-burning kilns spew out huge quantities of sooty waste and chemical compounds such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. 在这里,烧煤的窑炉喷出大量的黑色废气及二氧化硫和二氧化氮等化合物。
- Steel production generates huge quantities of slag, which must be processed and disposed of. 炼钢将产生大量的炉渣,这些炉渣必须进行处理和正确丢弃。
- I eat huge quantities of my favorite nonfat Belfonte yoghurt that I can't get in New York City. 我会吃自己最喜爱的在纽约买不到的脱脂Belfonte酸奶。
- Bats consume huge quantities of insects: as much as their own body weight during a night aloft. 蝙蝠能够消耗掉大量的昆虫:仅一天晚上的吃掉的昆虫加起来就与自身重量相同。
- Its coal-burning kilns spew out huge quantities of sooty wastechemical compounds such as sulfur dioxidenitrogen dioxide. 在这里,烧煤的窑炉喷出大量的黑色废气及二氧化硫和二氧化氮等化合物。
- Researchers discovered only recently that inaccessible subglacial lakes in Antarctica periodically shed huge quantities of water. 研究人员最近发现,南极冰层下隐秘的湖泊会发生周期性的倾泻。
- Above all, Citi's collapse showed the dangers of leaving huge quantities of toxic assets to fester on banks' balance-sheets. 最重要的是,花旗的崩溃显示了让大量问题资产在银行资产负债表上腐烂下去的危险。
- The team found that huge quantities of oxygen and other heavy elements are escaping from the galaxy in bubbles of multimillion-kelvin gas. 此团队发现,大量的氧和其他重元素正以温度高达几百万K的气泡形式逃离星系。
- Researchers discoveredrecently that inaccessible subglacial lakes in Antarctica periodically shed huge quantities of water. 研究人员最近发现,南极冰层下隐秘的湖泊会发生周期性的倾泻。
- So:Lesotho "does not have nearly enough water for its own needs"In fact, huge quantities of water flow from Lesotho every year. 莱索托“没有足够的水自用”每年有大量的水流过莱索托,这个国家缺乏存水以及将水运送到需求地的基础设施。
- He is clearly a man with a vision. However, his ability to correlate huge quantities of information and discern the underlying trends is indicative of his vision. 他,思路清晰、颇具智慧。然而,他将大量不相干的信息关联起来及洞察事物内在趋势的能力却也正好说明了他的聪明才智。
- Malicious users can affect the performance of your application and potentially cause database errors by sending huge quantities of information in a text box. 通过在文本框中发送大量信息,恶意用户能够影响应用程序的性能,并且有可能导致数据库错误。
- The People's Liberation Army has overcome unparalleled difficulties, grown in strength and equipped itself with huge quantities of arms given to the Kuomintang government by the U.S. government. 中国人民解放军克服了无比的困难,壮大了自己,以美国政府送给国民党政府的大批武器装备了自己。
- Some of these events send huge quantities of ionized gas on a collision course with Earth, as was the case for more than one of the exceptionally large flares that occurred in 2003. 这类事件有时会送出大量的游离气体并撞击地球,2003年的超大型日焰中,就发生了好几起这样的事件。