- The swaying hips and undulating arm movements of a hula dancer imitate the waves that wash over Hawaii's shores. 那摇摆的髋部和波浪起伏的肢体运动的草群舞女,她的动作就像那夏威夷的海浪。
- Amaral's husband, Albert, denies any affair took place, and the hula dancer shimmied around questions concerning the star before disconnecting her phone last Tuesday. Amaral的丈夫Albert否认了绯闻的发生,草裙舞者对传媒关于凯文的问题摇摆不定。
- In October 1994, he announced that he and Cindy Costner, his wife of 16 years and the mother of his there children, were divorcing amid rumours that Costner had been caught with a hula dancer. 在科斯特纳与一位草裙舞舞女在一起被逮住的谣传散播之后,他于1994年10月宣布和辛迪·科斯特纳离婚,他俩结婚16年,生有三个孩子。
- The movements of the Hula dancer express what we see, feel, hear, touch, smell and taste in a beautiful dance. 草裙舞者的舞动表达了我们在美丽的舞蹈中所看见、感觉、听见、触摸、闻到或品尝到的。
- Watch an elephant walk on its hind legs or perform a hula dance at a circus and it’s easy to forget that these are sensitive, intelligent creatures for whom the family unit is everything. 在马戏团观看象用后腿站立或表演呼拉圈,很容易让人忘记这是一些敏感、有灵气的生物,对它们来说家庭就是一切。
- We were all bewitched by the pretty dancer. 我们都被那美丽的舞蹈者迷住了。
- A hula hoop can be spun around the body. 呼啦圈可绕著身子转。
- The dancer was showered with praise. 那个跳舞的人备受称赞。
- We admired the graceful poise of the dancer. 我们很欣赏那位舞蹈演员的优美舞姿。
- She was well known as an excellent dancer. 她作为一名优秀的舞蹈演员而出名。
- The dancer moved with poetic grace. 这位舞蹈演员的舞姿如诗一般优美。
- As a dancer, he is second to none. 他的舞艺无出其右。
- Mary agreed to double the part of the dancer and the mother. 玛丽同意扮演舞女和母亲两个角色。
- My sister can spin on her toes like a dancer. 我妹妹能像舞者一样踮着脚尖旋转。
- One dancer was fractionally out of step. 有个跳舞人的舞步稍微有些不合拍。
- That young dancer really stole the show tonight. 那年轻的舞者今晚大出风头。
- Wham-o's new toy was christened the hula hoop. 惠姆-奥公司的这种新玩具定名为呼拉圈。
- The colorful whirl of the dancer is beautiful to watch. 舞蹈者多彩多姿的旋转令人赏心悦目。
- hula dancer 呼拉舞女,草裙舞女
- A hula hoop can be spun aroundthe body. 呼啦圈可绕着身子转。