- It is a demonstration of disharmony between human being and nature. 防治长江洪涝灾害要全面规划;
- Fashion Life - the Zero Distance between human being and nature! 或者是时尚生活(让)人与自然零距离(接触)。
- Swimming developed with the struggles between human being and nature in the ancient time. 游泳是古代人类在同大自然搏斗中发展起来的。
- The relation between human being and nature develops realistically in the human"s historical activities. 人与自然的关系是在人的历史性活动中现实地展开的。
- While it benefits human being and moistens nature, water also brings human being and nature some disasters. 水在惠及人类和滋润自然的同时,也给人类和自然带来不少灾害。
- Sustainable development is a great turn and leap in the process of cognition with regard to the relation of human being and nature. 可持续发展是人类与自然关系认知史上的一次重大转折和飞跃,是人类痛定思痛后的明智抉择。
- Ecological revetment, with appeal for the relationship of mutual benefits between human being and nature, is a great progress of revetment construction. 生态型护岸的出现顺应了人与自然共生的要求,是护岸工程建设的一大进步。
- The key point of sustainable development is the problem of conflicts between human being and nature, is the endless human being's desire against the finity of resources and endurance of nature. 可持续发展的核心问题是人与自然的矛盾,是人的无限欲望与资源的稀缺性以及自然承受力之间的矛盾。
- According to chinese philosophy,human being and nature are regarded as a unitive entirety,and considered as a unitive,evolutional and organic system. 中国哲学一般认为,人与自然处于统一整体中,其思维是整体的、生成的、有机的。
- "Dams and ecology"is an important problem in the contacting between human being and nature, the effects of dams on ecology environment was paid more attention recently. “水坝与生态”是人与自然和谐相处中的一个重要课题,水坝对生态环境的影响近些年来受到人们高度关注。
- Frost has the skill of reconciling the conflict and alienation between human beings and nature. 弗洛斯特赋有独特的融合人与自然疏远和冲突之间关系的技巧。
- Sexual relations between a human being and an animal. 人兽性关系人与兽之间的性关系
- To construct a road for the harmony of human beings and nature, it is of significance to rethink the value of nature, thus proposing a new viewpoint: the soft value of nature. 人类中心主义的价值取向、行为方式是环境危机的根源,为了构建人与自然和谐发展的道路,必须重新认识自然的价值,在此基础上提出了自然的软价值的观点。
- In recent years there appearing a new esthetics theory: ecological esthetics, which pursuing the harmony and unity between human beings and nature. 追求人与自然和谐统一的生态美学是近几年新兴的美学理论。
- The function of environmental ethics is expressed prominently in its regulation over the relationship between human beings and nature. 摘要环境伦理的突出功能表现在对人与自然关系的调整上。
- The artist applies the skill of rock painting to the portrait of men's lives. The creating motivation lies in the year-by-year coexistence of human beings and nature. 画面力图表现大虚大实。以画山石的笔墨来着力刻画树如人性的生命状态。年复一年的人与自然的共生共存,是作者创作的动机。
- Hydropower development and ecological environment protection form a pair of contradictions between human beings and nature in the process of material transformation. 摘要水电开发与生态环境保护形成了人和自然之间在“物质变换”过程中的一对矛盾。
- This included the conversion of the entire Tibetan plateau into a Zone of Ahimsa, a sanctuary of peace and nonviolence where human beings and nature can live in peace and harmony. 这被包括在内的整个西藏语高地的转变进入一之内地域不杀生、一个和平的庇护所和非暴力哪里人类和自然能活的在和平和协调方面。
- As an assemblage of natural force, labor force and entire structural tension of natural ecosystem, the ecotype productive force is the crux that human being and nature to coordinatively develop. 摘要生态型生产力作为自然力、劳动力和自然生态系统的整体性结构张力的总和,是人与自然协调发展的关键所在。
- One of the lower or hind limbs in human beings and primates. 腿人类或灵长目动物下肢或后肢中的一只