- human capital investment ways 人力资本投资途径
- Educational investment is the key form of human capital investment. 人力资本投资的关键形式是教育投资。
- Based on human capital investment model that includes suck costs, the paper inspects suck costs influence on education and "learning by doing", two important ways of human capital investment. 文章建立了包含沉淀成本的人力资本投资模型,考察了教育和干中学两种情况下沉淀成本对人力资本投资的影响。
- In the human capital investment,governments can play a critical role. 在人力资本投资中,政府可以发挥重要作用。
- Measure the barycenter to observe the dimensional fluctuation of the human capital investment. 测算人力资本投资重心,考察空间维度上的投资变动情况。
- Moreover, Human capital investment theory is confirmed as the general income theory by an American economist named Gary. 美国经济学家加里·贝克尔从效益最大化原则出发,把人力资本投资理论确定为收入一般理论。
- Like investment of material capital, the human capital investment of the enterprise is unavoidable to face certain risk. 与物质资本投资一样,企业的人力资本投资也不可避免的要面对一定的风险。
- Therefore, the human capital investment mainlydivides into: the education and the training investment, the healthy and health care investmentand the labor force flow investment. 因此,人力资本投资主要分为:教育与培训投资、健康保健投资和劳动力流动投资。
- Just under such theory and practice backgrounds, this paper confirms the final topic as "the insurance of the human capital investment of enterprise while staff flowing". 正是在这样的理论及实践背景下,本文将题目最终确定为“劳动力流动中的企业人力资本投资保障研究”。
- The result as follows: suck costs play an important role on human capital investment choice, and according to "learning by doing", suck costs' influence can be reduced. 结果表明,沉淀成本对人力资本投资选择存在较大影响,而干中学则可以有效地减轻沉淀成本对人力资本投资的影响。
- Under a society in which innovations are inspirited and talents showing themselves,the latent entrepreneurs will be practical entrepreneurs through human capital investment. 在一个创新受到激励、人才能脱颖而出的社会里,具有企业家潜能者都将进行企业家人力资本投资而成为现实的企业家。
- Human capital investment and physical capital investment are both productability investments. 摘要人力资本投资与物力资本投资一样,都是生产性投资。
- Under the modern economy condition,human capital investment is more effective than later one,and becoming the major source and development root by increasing and developing national economy. 在现代经济条件下,人力资本投资的作用远远大于物力资本投资的作用,成为促进经济增长、实现经济发展的主要源泉和根本动力。
- The question of partition of the structure and the ascription of human capital property rights is not a slighting theoretic question in the corporation human capital investment research. 界定人力资本产权的归属的问题是企业人力资本投资研究中的一个不可忽视的理论问题。
- It expounds the relation between human capital investment and the function of human resource management, the function of constant investment in human capital in enterprise strategic level exaltation. 并据此提出了人力资本投资与人力资源管理具体职能之间的关系,分析了通过人力资本持续投资对提高企业战略层次的作用。
- According to the nonlinear feature of human capital system,using BP network altitudinal nonlinear map,we have efficiently predicted the human capital investment of various regions in China. 针对人力资本系统的非线性特征,运用BP网络高度非线性映射能力,对我国各地区人力资本投资进行了预测。
- Human capital investment is a new concept in China, at present there is no explicit laws and regulations as the basis, so it is particularly urgent to research on the arising legal problems. 摘要人力资本出资在我国是一项新制度,目前尚无明确的法律法规作为依托,因此对由此产生的法律问题的研究尤为迫切。
- All these lead to differences of human capital investments of different individuals, and differences of human capital and income differences. 这造成了不同个体之间在人力资本投资上的差异,产生了他们之间的人力资本差距和收入差距。
- Human capital investment value of high-tech enterprise directly influences enterprises' innovating competence and has great significance for the existence and development of enterprises. 高新技术企业人力资本的投资价值直接影响企业的创新能力,对于企业的生存和发展起着重要的作用。
- On Priority to Human Capital Investment Strategy 论人力资本优先投资战略