- A degraded and squalid class or state of human existence. 下等阶层人类生活中一种堕落的,邋遢的阶层或状态
- The dread of the nothingness of human existence. 虚无的恐惧的人类生存。
- The chances of finding a human existence are one in a hundred. 只有百中之一的人才有机会寻找到人之生存真谛。
- Human existence is a pointless accident if God is denied. 假如上帝被否定,那么人的存在便是一个没有任何意义的意外。
- It will exist everlastingly whether human exist or die out. 不管人类存在或灭亡,它都将永久地存在。
- Love is the only satisfactory answer tou the problem of human existence. 对于人类生存问题,唯一令人满意的答案是:爱。
- Is Marriage System Necessary to Human Existance? 婚姻制度是人类生存的绝对必要条件吗?
- Love is the only satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence. 对于人类生存问题,唯一令人满意的答案是:爱。
- The novel succeeds as a reminder of the transient nature of human existence. 小说就提醒人类存在是转瞬即逝的一种而言是成功的。
- Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence. 爱是对人类之存在这一问题唯一明智而又令人满意的答案。
- In sharp contrast to Hobbes' cynic view of human existence, Bonny Hicks exemplified a form of life that is loving, caring and sharing. 彭妮的生命代表了一个充满爱心、关怀和分享的生命,与霍布斯愤世嫉俗的人生观形成强烈对比。
- Human fossils unearthed there are helping to reconstruct the earliest stages of human existence. 出土的人类化石有助于复原人类生活的最早期阶段。
- For the leftist Eleftherotypia, the ceremony was "a hymn to beauty and the variety of human existence". 据希腊左翼报纸《自由新闻报》报道,这次开幕式就像是“一曲歌颂人类美好而丰富多彩的生活的赞美诗”。
- I should not presume that there must be necessarily a purpose,a meaning of human existence. 我以为人生不一定有目的或意义。
- As a result, not only can pluralism and otherness not be ensured, but also the human existence is doubtful. 那么,不但所谓的多元化、差异性得不到保证,连人的社会存在都成了问题。
- Immortality Idea” and“ Immortality Faith” are quite different dimensions in the human existence. 神仙观念”与“神仙信仰”乃人类生存中完全不同的生存维度。
- Theory of human existence that can inform the practice of the human sciences will need to make. 讲述人文科学的实践的人类存在理论将需要弄清楚在人类体验和存在物方面的叙事向心性。
- They talk in a metaphorical way, touching on the most vital questions of human existence. 作者以隐喻的手法呈现他们之间的对话,内容触及人生最重要的课题。
- In our assessment, it is the very environment that most humans exist within. 在我们的评估中,它是绝大多数人类存在于内的环境。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。