- It may also be used to control the aging process, and conquer presently incurable human genetic diseases. 它还可能被用于控制人的老化过程,以及征服目前还不可治疗的人类基因疾
- "Pig pluripotent stem cell lines could also be used to create models for human genetic diseases. “猪多能干细胞系还可以用于建立人类遗传病的模型。
- The misexpression phenotype can also be used as an animal model for human genetic disease. 但果蝇提供许多实验便利,是小鼠无可比拟的,因此果蝇特别适合此类大规模对未知基因的功能分析。
- Human genetic diseases and malaria congenital immunity 某些人类遗传病与疟疾的先天免疫
- human genetic diseases 人类遗传性疾病
- It's very difficult to treat genetic diseases. 遗传性疾病治疗起来很困难。
- Transposons are one cause of genetic diseases such as haemophilia. 转位子是产生如血友病一类遗传病的一个致病因子。
- Why should only rich people be able to eradicate genetic diseases? 为什么只有富人还能根除遗传疾病?
- This is the porphyria, a rare genetic disease. 这就是卟啉症了,一种罕见的遗传疾病。
- human genetic disease 人遗传病
- Brinster says that sperm - producing cells are the best target for anyone trying to tinker with human genetic inheritance. 布林斯特说,对于想改变人类遗传基因的人来说,改造产生精子的细胞是最好的办法。
- Cloning also brings hope to families with inherited genetic diseases by opening the way to gene therapy. 克隆技术还开放了基因治疗法,为有遗传性基因疾病的家庭带来了希望。
- Altering hogs and cows is nothing, of course, compared with human genetic engineering. 当然,如果同人类遗传工程相比,改变猪和牛就根本不算一回事了。
- But one prominent scientist has already come up with a bold scenario for correcting genetic diseases in sperm. 不过一位著名科学家已经大胆提出了修补精子中致病基因的方法。
- The scientists from the University of Cincinnati induced corneal abnormalities in the mice that mimicked human genetic eye mutations. 来自辛辛那提大学的科学家模拟人类眼部基因突变在小鼠上引进了异常眼角膜。
- Fixing infertility genes, he hopes, would be just a first step toward correcing genetic diseases like sickle cell anemia. 他希望,修复不育基因只是治疗镰状细胞性贫血等基因疾病的开始。
- Do you think it will ever be possible to change human genetic material in order to produce the "perfect" human being? 你认为有可能通过改变人体遗传物质来制造出"完美的"人吗?
- In a historical and broader sense, eugenics can also be a study of "improving human genetic qualities. 在历史和更广泛的意义上,优生学也可以是一种如何“改良人类遗传品质”的研究。
- Fixing infertility genes,he hopes,would be just a first step toward correcing genetic diseases like sickle cell anemia. 他希望,修复不育基因只是治疗镰状细胞性贫血等基因疾病的开始。
- Dr Manica's task was to show that these varied in the same way as human genetic data do. 莫尼卡(Manica)博士的工作是要表明这些头骨象基因的多样性一样各自有所差异。