- human tolerance level 人体容忍碰撞
- What's your tolerance level for pain? 你忍受痛苦能到什么程度?
- Your tolerance level for alcohol degraded. 你酒量变差了。
- For example you learn that your patience and tolerance level is an issue. 比如你知道你的忍耐和宽容是一个层次的问题。
- It can be divided into five fields, including impact injury mechanisms, biomechanical responses, human tolerance, human surrogate and protective measures. 其主要研究内容大致分为5个方面:冲击损伤机理;生物力学响应;人的耐受性;人的代用品及人体防护等。
- We provide a complimentary risk profiling service to help you better understand your risk tolerance level. 我们提供免费投资评估分析服务,让您了解自己对风险的承受程度。
- Objective To evaluate orthostatic tolerance level and set up normal reference value of orthostatic tolerance test(OTT) for Chinese fighter pilots. 目的为了评价中国歼击机飞行员立位耐力水平及建立中国歼击机飞行员立位耐力试验正常值。
- Investment instructions of insurance companies and insurance asset management companies shall be in compliance with specified risk tolerance level requirements. 第二十九条保险公司和保险资产管理公司的投资决策应符合设定的风险容忍度要求。
- A legitimate constitution guarantees a tolerable level of justice. 正当的宪法保证了必要的正义限度。
- Human Tolerance to Ejection Acceleration 人体弹射加速度的耐力研究
- An experiment was conducted at the Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) experimentalfarm in plastic pots during Aman season, 2000 to observe the salinity tolerance level of rice lines (Salar-1 and Salar-2) and one variety (BINADHAN6). 班拉德希原子能农业研究所(简称BINA)在其试验农场作了一项水稻盆栽试验;该试验于Aman季节进行的;对水稻品种(盐湖1号、盐湖2号)及另一品种(BINA德罕6号)2000个样本植株的耐盐性水平作了观察.
- No problem, this is not a problem at all.Footnote:* A person who tends to be disorganized and has high tolerance level for uncertainty and ambiguity.Refer to MBTI test for more information. 片尾那一段想象中在金色大厅中的独唱令人动容,可世界中不就是因为有了像王彩玲这样不甘现实的角色而更精彩吗?
- It is difficult, for instance, to assess pain in the cognitively impaired elderly because pain perception draws heavily on a patient's subjective interpretation and tolerance level. 以疼痛概念而言,因其极度仰赖个体的主观诠释和耐受度,故要评估认知障碍老人的疼痛并非易事;
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Equivalent tolerance levels will also be applied to other U. S. grains in case of possible-TCK contamination. 美国其他谷物在出现TCK污染的情况下,相同水平的允许量也将适用。
- The risk tolerance level is the amount of risks that can be tolerated by the enterprise, including the overall risk bearing capability and the acceptable risk level in business. 风险承受度是企业能够承担的风险限度,包括整体风险承受能力和业务层面的可接受风险水平。
- Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. 人类和动物的区别在于人会说话。
- The war took a heavy toll of human life. 这次战争夺去了许多人的生命。
- Perhaps it is our human nature to be nostalgic. 也许是人类天生有一种思古之幽情。
- The priest says that the human spirit never dies. 牧师说,人的灵魂永远不死。