- The war caused disasters to the people. 战争给人们带来了灾难。
- Driving accidents usually have both a human cause and a human victim. 交通事故通常是人类造成的,受害者也通常是人类。
- The great forest fire may have had a natural cause instead of a human cause. 这场森林大火可能是由天火引起的。
- Actual weather conditions on the day of your hash can cause disaster with the best-laid plans. 哪怕是再好的计划,恶劣的天气环境会导致意外事情的发生。
- The issues are global,and so interlocked that to consider the problems of one sector,oblivious to those of another is but to cause disaster for the whole. 这些问题是全球性而且环环相扣的,任何的顾此失彼对会给整体造成灾难。
- Are humans causing the next mass extinction? 下一次生态灭亡将会是什麽时候?
- The issues are global, and so interlocked that to consider the problems of one sector, oblivious to those of another is but to cause disaster for the whole. 这些问题是全球性而且环环相扣的,任何的顾此失彼对会给整体造成灾难。
- The accident was caused by human error. 这宗事故是人为过失造成的。
- Plague is a communicable disease of animals and humans caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis. 鼠疫是一种由鼠疫耶尔森捍菌所引起的传染病,可感染人类和动物。
- Over the years Quakers have worked for many humane causes. 多年来,贵格会从事了许多慈善事业。
- In the old days the Yellow River used to cause disasters. 过去黄河经常给人民带来灾害。
- One must understand their creation, and any current human experience is the effect of all other human cause in your inheritance. 你必须理解你的创造物,而任一当前人类体验都是你们遗传中所有其他人类导致的结果。
- Pipeline with inadequate or even no depth of cover may result from either natural or human causes, endangering the normal operation of pipeline. 由于自然或人为因素的影响,造成埋地管道覆土不足,甚至裸露,危及管道的安全运行。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Sometimes disasters however settle karma between nature and human ancestries;and occasionally as in nuclear testing, it causes problems that are at human cause. 不过有时候,灾害解决了人类祖先史和大自然之间的业力,因为有时候在核试验中,是由人类一手造成了问题。
- The first example shows that such a blameless query can cause disasters. 就如上面的第一个例子那样,就算是正常的查询也有可能造成灾难。
- Almost all of these habitat losses can be attributed to human causes, including development, agricultural practices, deforestation, and their associated effects. 几乎所有这些栖息地的消失都能从人类身上找到原因,包括土地开发、农耕作业、毁林及其相关活动。
- Under the context of post-modernism, Nabokov has slammed the dissimilation and devastation of humanity caused by the totalitarian society and expressed his negation to the blind optimism of modernity. 在后现代的文本形式下,纳博科夫抨击了极权社会对于人性的异化和摧毁,表达了自己对于现代性盲目乐观的否定。
- Human error invoked the disaster. 人的过失带来灾难。
- Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. 人类和动物的区别在于人会说话。