- India expressed regret over the irresponsible remarks by a UN body about alleged human rights abuse in Jammu, India. 印度对一个联合国机构在印度查谟人权问题上的不负责言论表示失望。
- The worse human rights abuse in China is the polluted water and air, and the worst of all - lack the recourse to protest. 中国人权受到的最大侵害就是被污染的水和空气,而更为糟糕的是没有法律赋予的权力对此抗议。
- The event included a commemoration of the many targeted individuals who have died while struggling to survive this extreme type of human rights abuse. 会议包括了纪念许多目标受害者个人,他们在对这种极端的人权侵害形式的挣扎求存中死亡。
- There still exists no significant internationalised human rights strategy initiative to monitor the human rights situation of the Roma and to provide legal defense in cases of human rights abuse. 依旧存在毫无实际意义的国际化人权战略创新,用以监督吉普赛人的人权状况,并在人权受到侵犯时提供法律保护。
- What is the source of human rights abuses in that country today? 试问今日造成该国人权记录恶劣的原因何在呢?
- Worldwide arms are fuelling conflict, poverty, and human rights abuses. 全球的武器正在助长冲突、贫穷以及侵犯人权。”
- China's human rights abuses have been chronicled on numerous occasions. 中国的不良人权纪录已经被多次提及。
- The human rights group says the women face oppression and human rights abuses. 这个人权组织称这些妇女面临压迫和人权的侮辱。
- The US state department accuses Beijing of human rights abuses in the region. 美国政府指责北京在该地区滥用人权。
- The Human right Group says women face oppression and human right abuses. 人权组织声称妇女面临着压抑和人权践踏。
- A fierce critic of the Kremlin's human rights abuses in Chechnya, Politkovskaya was murdered two weeks ago in an apparent contract hit. 波利特科夫斯卡娅于两周前遭预谋杀害,其生前曾对克里姆林宫在车臣滥用人权行为进行过猛烈抨击。
- Thousands of demonstrators gathered in New York to denounce human rights abuses in Iran. 成千上万的示威者聚集在纽约,谴责发生在伊朗的侵犯人权事件。
- The HH human RR rights GG group says the women face * oppression and human rights abuses. 人权组织说妇女面临着压迫和人权侵害。
- Security policy and personnel were responsible for numerous human rights abuses. 这些安全政策和人员对众多人权侵犯负责。
- V. in South Africa.The human rights group says the women face oppression and human rights abuses. 这个人权组织表示这些妇女面临着压抑和人权的虐待。
- The State Department began pressuring Indonesia to curb its human rights abuses. 美国国务院着手向印尼施压,改善其对人权的不尊重状况。
- The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights raises concerns with governments,responds to human rights abuses and takes action to prevent violations. 联合国人权事务高级专员向各国政府提出关切问题,对侵犯人权行为作出反应,并采取行动防止侵犯人权。
- Operating out of a small office in Grozny, she doggedly pursued stories of human rights abuses in the face of official intimidation and hostility. 在格罗兹尼一个不大的办公室内,面对政府的恐吓与敌视,她孜孜不倦地曝光侵犯人权的新闻。
- Zeng has attracted the world's attention with her Internet journal criticizing human rights abuses in China and questioning her husband's arrest. 曾金燕在网路日记中批评中国当局侵犯人权,并对自己的丈夫被逮捕提出质疑,引起国际关注。