- THE human cost of the recession is felt most keenly by the unemployed. 失业者能最强烈的感受到经济萧条的人力成本。
- Qiu Xiaolong, who has lived in America since 1989, vividly details the human cost of a city devouring itself. 陈探长系列的作者裘小龙1989年之后一直在美国生活,他的作品生动而详尽地描写了一座城市自我吞噬的过程中人民所蒙受的损失。
- Will you overturn that policy so the American people can see the full human cost of war? 你会改变政策让美国人可以看到人类为战争所付代价的全貌吗?
- Lessen the human cost of the economic downturn and its impact on the most vulnerable. 减少经济下滑时的人力成本,并降低及对社会稳定的影响。
- Peterkin, how much have courage and humanity cost me! 唉呀,彼得金,你知道仁慈和勇敢让我吃了多少亏!
- The human costs of the system are also drawing closer attention. 而该体制的人力成本也正引起更密切的关注。
- He concedes that a case could be made against the war on the grounds of legality, the human cost, unforeseen consequences and so forth. 他承认,要反战可以有种种名头,例如不合法,耗费人力,后果难测等等。
- In short, it appears that SARS, despite the large human cost, has had only a short-lived and superficial effect on our economic development. 换言之,虽然非典型肺炎夺去了不少宝贵的性命,但对本港经济发展只造成短暂及表面的影响。
- Ironically, one of the reasons a group such as the OPP can get on the public radar at all is the high human cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 讽刺的是,像OPP这样的线上社群会引起社会关注的原因之一,是伊拉克与阿富汗战争所造成的大量人员伤亡。
- This paper emphasizes on the reason why humane cost exists, the significance of holding humane value orientation and specific approaches to reduce humane Cost. 着重探讨了人文代价存在的原因、市场经济行为中坚持人文价值取向的意义及减少人文代价的具体措施。
- Speaking for Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the 4,000-death mark a grim reminder of the enormous human cost of war in Iraq for the best and bravest in the military and their families. 代表民主党发言的国会众议院议长佩洛西说,4千死亡数字对军队里最优秀和勇敢的人以及他们的家属来说是个带有严酷意义的提醒,让他们不要忘记伊拉克战争带来的巨大人类生命代价。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- The heavy human costs of first settlement were accompanied by substantial capital losses. 最初拓居殖民在付出惨重代价的同时还有巨大的资金损失。
- Still, managing empty places, calculating the fees, and protecting the cars all add to the final human costs of running a parking lot. 车辆看护,管理以及计费的人员开支就是一笔巨大的成本。
- In a way that the words of no living person could, the death diary has shown the human costs of the eco-nomic transformation in Japan. 以一种活人所说的话办不到的方式,这本死亡日记本凸显出日本经济转型,人民所要付出的代价。
- Because of its human costs in deprivation and a feeling of rejection and personal failure, the extent of unemployment is widely used as a measure of workers'welfare. 失业者缺乏生活所必需的经济来源,感觉被社会排挤,有强烈的失落感,因此失业率用来衡量工人的福利状况。
- "In addition, the economic environment has further restrained the home demand, rising The material and human costs, but also increased the pressure on the Home business. 此外,经济大环境也进一步抑制了家装需求,不断上涨的材料和人力成本,更是加重了家装企业的经营压力。
- On Humane Cost in Market Economy Behavior 论市场经济行为中的人文代价
- Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. 人类和动物的区别在于人会说话。