- The hunting group had good sport today. 今天打猎小组满载而归。
- A valid UM hunt group has been created. 已创建有效的UM查寻组。
- Therefore, a single UM hunt group must be associated with at least one UM IP gateway and one UM dial plan. 因此,一个UM智能寻线必须至少与一个UM IP网关和一个UM拨号计划关联。
- This field lists the Exchange Management Shell command that was used to create the new UM hunt group. 此字段列出用于新建UM智能寻线的Exchange命令行管理程序命令。
- Each hunt group that is created on a PBX or IP PBX must have an associated pilot number. PBX或IP PBX上创建的每个智能寻线必须与引导号码关联。
- The hunt group must specify the Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging SIP dial plan that is used with the UM IP gateway. 智能寻线必须指定与UM IP网关一起使用的Exchange 2007统一消息SIP拨号计划。
- A pilot number that is defined for a hunt group in the PBX or IP PBX must also be defined within the UM Hunt group. 为PBX或IP PBX中的智能寻线定义的引导号码也必须在UM智能寻线中定义。
- A telephone number that points to a hunt group and is the access number for calls that are routed to Unified Messaging servers. 指向智能寻线的电话号码,也是路由到统一消息服务器的接入号码。
- For example, you configure a hunt group on a PBX or IP PBX to contain extension numbers 4100, 4101, 4102, 4103, 4104, and 4105. 例如,将PBX或IP PBX上的智能寻线配置为包含分机号码4100、4101、4102、4103、4104和4105。
- If you delete the Unified Messaging hunt group, the associated IP gateway will no longer service calls with the specified pilot number. 如果删除统一消息智能寻线,关联的IP网关将不再处理指定引导号码的传入呼叫。
- This topic explains how to use the Exchange Management Console and the Exchange Management Shell to view Unified Messaging (UM) hunt group properties. 此主题解释如何使用Exchange管理控制台和Exchange命令行管理程序来查看统一消息(UM)智能寻线属性。
- The absence of a hunt group prevents the Unified Messaging server from knowing the origin or location of the incoming call. 如果没有智能寻线,统一消息服务器将无法了解传入呼叫的来源或位置。
- A new Unified Messaging hunt group named "%1" has been created with pilot identifier "%2" and is associated with UM dial plan "%3". 已创建引导标识为“%252”、名为“%251”的新统一消息智能寻线,并与UM拨号计划“%253”关联。
- The combination of the UM IP gateway object and a UM hunt group object establishes a logical link between an IP gateway hardware device and a UM dial plan. UM IP网关对象与UM智能寻线对象组合使用,可以在IP网关硬件设备与UM拨号计划之间建立逻辑链接。
- Hunt group is a term that is used to describe a group of Private Branch eXchange (PBX) or IP PBX resources or extension numbers that are shared by users. 智能寻线一词用于描述由用户共享的一组专用交换机(PBX)或者IP PBX资源或分机号码。
- When you create a Unified Messaging hunt group, you are enabling all Unified Messaging servers that are specified within the UM dial plan to communicate with an IP gateway. 创建统一消息智能寻线之后,需要使UM拨号计划中指定的所有统一消息服务器均可以与IP网关进行通信。
- In a telephony network a hunt group is defined as a set of extension numbers that are grouped as a single logical unit. 在电话网络中,智能寻线定义为组合成一个逻辑单元的一组分机号码。
- Hunt groups are used to efficiently distribute calls into or out of a given business unit. 使用智能寻线可以有效地将呼叫转接进或转接出给定的业务单位。
- UM hunt groups act as a connection or link between the UM IP gateway and the UM dial plan. UM智能寻线充当UM IP网关与UM拨号计划之间的连接或链接。
- The hunt for the lost child continued until she was found. 寻找失踪儿童的工作一直持续到将她找到为止。