- Made up from fierce Afghan tribesmen, these excellent skirmishers hurl javelins at their foes, but can fight at close quarters if necessary. 阿富汗标枪兵骁勇善战,投掷标枪极为精准,能有效杀伤敌军,破坏对方阵型,但近战肉搏却非常脆弱。
- These artillery pieces resemble giant crossbows, on a simple wheeled carriage.They can hurl javelins with great accuracy, and the power of these machines means that their bolts can pierce any armour. 弩炮为置于轮车上的巨型弩弓,可颇为精准地发射类似标枪的粗壮弩箭,威力惊人,能穿透任何坚固盔甲。
- He poised the javelin in his hand before throw it. 他把手中标枪握稳後掷了出去。
- She came second in the javelin game. 她获得标枪比赛第二名。
- The coach taught us how to launch a javelin. 教练教我们投标枪。
- The tribesmen picked up great rocks to hurl at us. 部落男子拣起大石块朝我们掷来。
- A good roper will hurl out the coil with marvelous accuracy and force. 一位优秀的套索捕马者会用奇准和神奇力量掷出绳索。
- The best way to forget your sadness is to hurl yourself into your work. 忘掉悲伤的最好方法是将自己投入到工作中去。
- If you hurl yourself at that boy, he's likely to run away. 若你拼命讨好那个男孩,他很可能被吓跑的。
- They excel at hurling javelins at their foes, weakening units and breaking up formations, but can fight in close combat when the situation demands. 也门勇士们通常标枪飞掷,以此削弱和打乱敌军阵型,战事需要时,他们亦可冲入敌阵近身肉搏。
- He poised the javelin in his hand before throwing it. 他把手中标枪握稳後掷了出去。
- I'll hurl him out of the club if he dare tell the secret! 如果他胆敢泄密,我就要把他赶出俱乐部。
- The player was throwing a javelin. 运动员正在投掷标枪。
- To hurl abuse is in no way to fight. 谩骂决不是战斗。
- He hurl all his book out from the window. 他把书全都扔出窗外。
- Fixed Plague Javelin to do initial weapon damage. 确实用缩写名签武器损坏固定的灾害标枪.
- Fixed Poison Javelin to do initial weapon damage. 确实用缩写名签武器损坏固定的毒药标枪.
- To hurl or launch from or as if from a catapult. 射出从或似从弹弓上发射或射出
- He broke the world record in the javelin throw. 他打破了标枪的世界记录。
- A javelin is a projectile weapon. 标枪是一种投射武器