- hydraulic mining equipment 水采设备
- Large mining equipment cannot be operated on narrow benches. 大型采矿设备不能在窄台阶上操作。
- Hydraulic mining lift is an equipment of complex mechanical and electrical system, which is the key equipment for hoisting mineral ores and working staff up and down the underground pit. 液压提升机是较为复杂的机电液一体化产品,是煤矿井下作业提升物料和运送人员的关键设备,素有矿井咽喉之称。
- Located in the west of Beijing, Beijing Yutian Century Mining Equipment Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") is specializing in manufacturing light hydraulic support. 北京宇田世纪矿山设备有限公司,地处风景秀丽的北京西郊,专业生产轻型液压支架。
- Mine Equipment: ball mill, crusher, and other mineral processing equipment. 矿山设备有:球磨机、破碎机等选矿设备。
- Mining equipment of mineral products: Send, entangle and break to pieces, elute, press one, improve compositions. 矿产开采设备:输送、绞碎、洗脱、压粒、提高成份。
- Rolling stock, such as rail cars in transportation systems, mining equipment, etc. 机车车辆,如交通系统的车箱等和采矿设备等的费用。
- The German Mining Equipment Industry with about 120 mainly medium scale companies has a good reputation worldwide. 德国采矿设备行业约有120家中型企业,在全球享有盛誉。
- Hydraulic mining is another system for obtaining ores from alluvial deposits. a stream of water is shot under pressure from a large nozzle in a particular direction. This nozzle is called a hydraulic giant. 水力开采是从冲积矿床中获取矿石的又一种方法。加压水流从一个大喷嘴朝特定的方向射出。这个喷嘴称为水枪。
- Germany is before USA the largest exporter of Mining Equipment (without equipment for oil and gas). 德国排名在美国之前,是最大的采矿设备出口国(不含石油和天然气开采设备)。
- Ganzhou tungsten industry stimulated the development of mining equipment, meltallurgical equipment. 赣州钨工业的起步与发展,带动了矿山机械、冶金机械和火药加工业的建设。
- Stowing mining increases mining equipment and productive cost and the stowing materials are lack in some coalmines. 部分开采,影响采区布置,不易达到高产高效,煤炭采出率低;
- Feasible drawing interval is the basis to study mining equipment of fully-mechanize coal mining with caving method. 综放开采的合理放煤步距是研制综放工作面成套技术装备的基础,是提高综放工作面采出率与煤质的关键之一。
- The Mining Equipment Association is spokesmen of, information broker for and service provider to the manufacturers of mining equipment. 德国采矿设备协会是采矿设备制造商的发言人、信息经纪人和服务提供机构。
- In our Buyer's Guide "Mining Equipment" you will find our member companies including the listing of their product range. 在我们的《采购商须知》“采矿设备”中,您可以找到本协会的会员企业,包括他们的产品系列。
- Cast and machined components for valves, filters, pumps, autos railway and mining equipment etc in carbon steel, alloy steel and stainless steel. 铸造并机加工不锈钢、碳钢和合金钢类阀门、过滤器以及泵,汽车、火车和矿山机械等产品零件。
- On Fantoma, the first dropships began disgorging the mining equipment that the Zentraedi would use to wrest monopole ore from the heavy-g world. 在凡托玛,第一批运输舰开始投下天顶星人将在这个高重力星球开采磁单极矿时,所要用到的那些采矿设备。
- AURY (Tianjin) Industrial Technology Co., Ltd. is a Sino-Australia joint venture focusing on large mining equipment manufacture. 奥瑞(天津)工业技术有限公司是一家中澳合资的大型矿山设备制造企业。
- The low-coal seam synthesis mechanized mining of Shenhuo Xinzhuang mine is mostly to solve the height and power problem of mining equipment. 神火新庄矿薄煤层综合机械化采煤,主要是解决采煤设备的高度和功率问题。
- The building is made of hydraulic cement. 大楼是用水硬水泥建造的。