- The revocation of a special hydrometric station shall be subject to the approval of the original approval organ. 撤销专用水文测站,应当报原批准机关批准。
- Baiheliang Ridge in Fulin, which is called the No. 1 hydrometric station in the ancient, has important scientific and arts value. 被称为占代第一水文站的涪陵白鹤梁.具有极高的科学与艺术价值。
- Abstract: Datong Hydrometric Station and Sediment Monitoring Profile are located in the landward limit of the Yangtze Estuary. 摘要: 大通水文站和泥沙观测断面位于长江河口的上边界。
- After Feilai Gorge Water Control Project was constructed, there was an influence of backwater on the stage-discharge relation at the Gaodao Hydrometric Station. 摘要飞来峡水利枢纽建成蓄水后,高道水文站的水位流量关系受回水影响严重,中低水流量测验整编变得相当复杂。
- Suffer effect of this strong rainfall, water level of each river river rises, hydrometric station of luxuriant name, new river ever approached flood peak water level. 受这次强降雨影响,各江河水位上涨,茂名、新河水文站曾接近洪峰水位。
- His clinic is near the newly-built railway station. 他的诊所在新建的火车站附近。
- The flood peak on the Yangtse River mainstream reached Hankou Hydrometric Station on August 25, and the water level started to ebb after being over warning water level for 21 hours. 长江干流洪峰于25日到达汉口水文站后,保持超警水位21小时后开始回落。
- The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquaters Office expects that the water level at Jiujiang and Hukou Hydrometric Station will both ebb from the warning water level tonight. 国家防总办公室预计,今天晚上,九江、湖口水文站将全部退出警戒水位。
- He went to the station to ask about the trains. 他到火车站却了解火车情况。
- He was walking up and down the station platform. 他在火车站的月台上走来走去。
- Ha has been seeing someone to the station. 他刚才送人上火车站去了。
- We walked as far as the railroad station. 我们走到火车站那样远的地方。
- Based on the data of flow passing by Lijin Hydrometric Station,rainfall in the Yellow River basin,and human activities,the paper shows the feature of the flow regime change and the causes of formation. 利用黄河入海控制站利津的实测水文资料及黄河流域的降水和人类活动影响的相关资料等,分析了近期黄河入海水量变化的特征及变化的原因。
- According to the observed runoff and sediment data of Lijin Hydrometric Station, the paper analyzes the characteristics of runoff and sediment variations of the Yellow River mouth since 1950. 根据利津水文站的实测水沙资料,分析了1950年以来黄河口水沙的变化特征。
- A host of friend meet him at the railroad station. 一大群朋友在火车站迎接他。
- Could you give me a ride to the station? 你能开车送我到车站吗?
- A new nuclear power station is on the stocks here. 这座新的核电站在建造之中。
- Have the train arrive when you get to the station? 你到车站时火车已经来了吗?
- I set it by the clock on the railway station. 我是按火车站的大钟对的。
- I'll meet you in the car park hard by the station. 我们在车站旁边的停车场同你见面。