- hydrophyte natantia 漂浮水生植物
- Hydrophyte A plant found growing in water or in extremely wet areas. 水生植物:是生长在水中或是极端潮湿的环境中的植物。
- Macrobrachium nipponense, Macrobrachium rosenbergii and Penaeus vannmei are all classified as Arthropoda, Crustacea, Decapoda, Natantia. 日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense)、罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)和南美白对虾(Penaeus vannmei)都属节肢动物门甲壳纲十足目游泳亚目虾科,是我国主要的水产养殖虾类。
- Lotus flower nickname lotus , Fu Qu, Shui Zhi, water lotus , lotus ...etc. living hydrophyte for several years. 荷花别名莲花、芙蕖、水芝、水芙蓉、莲等,多年生水生植物。根茎(藕)肥大多节,横生于水底泥中。
- The rise and decline of phytoplankton were limited by sulphur, besides they have relationship with higher hydrophyte. 浮游植物的兴衰除受硫酸盐含量的限制外,与高等水生植物的消长也存在着一定的关联性。
- Distributing: Pump is happyConfiguration feature:Newtonian grass is annual hydrophyte. 牛顿草为一年生水生植物。
- The alga that says in place of Chinese ancient time it is thus clear that is the floorboard to hydrophyte. 可见在中国古代所说的藻类是对水生植物的总称。
- A new type of ecological floating bed was developed that combined hydrophyte,aquatic animal and biofilm. 研究开发了一种由水生植物、水生动物及微生物膜构建的组合型浮床生态系统。
- The moisture ecotypes consist of 72.2% of mesophyte, 17.2% of hydrophyte or hygrophyte and 10.7% of xerophyte, respectively. 就属的区系成分而言,不同的分布区类型多达11个,其中泛热带分布型占总属数的43.;2%25;
- In these plants, 41 species belong to straight hydrophyte, 11 species belong to natant hydrophyte and 17 species are submersed hydrophyte. 其中挺水植物41种,浮水及浮叶植物11种,沉水植物17种。
- The functions of the hydrophyte filter bed(HFB) for improving source water quality were surveyed in terms of microcystin and trace organic pollutants. 从对藻毒素和微量有机污染物的去除方面考察了水生植物滤床(HFB)在改善源水水质方面的效果。
- In conclusion, "Phragmitis and calamus hydrophyte planting" and "EM-inoculation" could improve the aquatic micro-ecosystem and ecosystem. 总之,种植芦苇、唐菖蒲等水生植物或接种有益微生物可以改善水体微生态机构和生态结构。
- T he hydrophyte, or so called waterweed, is a unique species among plants.It prefers to be grown in places with sufficient water resources. 在植物的世界里,水生植物是独特的一群,俗称水草,它们喜欢生长在有水的环境中。
- The mesophyte is main water ecological types, the proportions is 72.0%, and the proportions of xerophyte is 23.00%.Hygrophyte and hydrophyte existing due to the diverse habitat. 中生植物为主,占72.;09%25,旱生植物其次,占23
- People plants all through the ages flower, besides the hydrophyte of the model such as lotus, water lily, Shui Zhu, most flowers tree is planted with clay. 历来人们种花,除了荷花、睡莲、水竹等典型的水生植物外,大多数花卉树木都是用泥土种植的。
- Purifying capacity of hydrophyte on water environment polluted by high content nutrient such as nitrogen and phosphorus,toxic organic compounds and heavy metal was reviewed. 综述了高等水生植物对富营养化水环境、有机污染和重金属污染等受损水体的净化功能。
- Roof and orchard farm grow fruit, vegetable, breed fowl and livestock, grow in pond, Jiang He and reservoir hydrophyte and pisciculture and plant on state-owned land arboreous. 房顶和果园农场种植水果、蔬菜,养殖家禽和家畜,在池塘、江河和水库种养水生植物和养鱼以及在国有土地上种树木。
- The appearance of hydrophyte and miscellaneous fishes is the highest, accounting for 68%; the others account for 40%, 20%, 12%, and 4% respectively. The crab is an omnivorous animal. 食物种类的出现率以植物和小杂鱼为最高,占68%25,其余分别为40%25,20%25,12%25和4%25,为杂食性甲壳动物。
- Drilling waste water is researched and treated by hydrophyte, hydrophyte-chemical coagulation, chemical coagulation and chemical subsidence, of whichchemical coagulation is emphasized. 研究了水生植物法、水生植物一化学絮凝法、化学絮凝法、化学沉降法对钻井污水进行的处理,并着重研究了化学絮凝法。
- This paper puts forward the typology of hydrophyte and ornamental characteristic and discusses the problem of the arrangement of scenes with hydrophyte in terms of every different aspect. 阐述了水生植物的类型及观赏特性,并从各种不同方面探讨了水生植物造景应注意的问题。