- hydrops corporis lutein 黄体水肿
- This is a benign theca lutein cyst in an ovary. 良性的卵巢黄体膜囊肿。
- The patient was diagnosed as angiokeratoma corporis diffusum. 诊断:弥漫性躯体性血管角化瘤。
- Methods:To analyze clinical data of 68 cases of hydrops fetalis. 方法:结合68例水肿胎的临床资料进行分析。
- A case of angiokeratoma corporis diffusum is reported. 报告1例弥漫性躯体性血管角化瘤。
- Research of the Analysis Method of Lutein in Tagetes Patula L. 万寿菊中叶黄素的分析方法研究。
- A type of carotenoid, lutein is stored in the eyes and skin. 类胡萝卜素,叶黄素的类型在眼睛和皮肤被存放。
- Contains beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. 含乙种胡萝卜素、甲种胡萝卜素、叶黄素及玉米黄质。
- Lutein is mainly found at the eye's retina and macular. 叶黄素主要存在于视网膜及黄斑部。
- Results:The mortality rate of hydrops fetalis was bally high (100%) . 结果:水肿胎死亡率为100.;00%25。
- Tinea corporis is a fungal infection of the nonhairy parts of the skin. 体癣是一种在皮肤没有毛发的地方长的真菌传染病。
- Lutein and zeaxanthin that help promote sharp and detailed eye vision. 叶黄素和玉米黄质有助于促进敏锐的视觉。
- The lutein powder is mainly used in food, medicine and health products. 叶黄素主要应用于食品、药品和保健品。
- And prospected the broad prospects of the development of lutein in future. 并展望了未来叶黄素发展的广阔前景。
- It should be differentiated among endolymphatic hydrops, perilymph fistula, mumps deafness, and otitis media with effusion. 结论:小儿的突发性耳聋其预后较成为差。
- A parasitic louse (Pediculus humanus corporis) that infests the body and clothes of human beings. 虱,虱子:一种寄生的昆虫(体虱虱属),寄生在人的身体或衣服上
- Especially in hearing-handicapped children, endolymphatic hydrops plays a major causative role in acute hearing loss. 本症须与内淋巴水肿、外淋巴瘘、腮腺炎耳聋、及积液性中耳炎等病症作?别诊断。
- Of 68 cases,65 were primary h ealing,3 local infection,16 hydrops under scalp,9 epilepsy and 0 tissue exclusio n. 本组病例切口一期愈合6 5例,局部感染3例。 头皮下积液16例,癫痫9例。
- Middle and low power microwave have the killing and depressing effect on finea corporis vesulting from fungus. 中、低功率的微波辐射对部分引起浅表皮肤癣病的真菌有杀抑作用。
- Lutein appears to have differential effects on different components of vision loss in the same patients. 叶黄素对相同患者的不同视力指标的效果不同。