- These indicates that gold was probably transported as[AuCl2]-, [AuCl4]-, or[Aus]-in hydrothermal solution. 金可能以[AuCl_2]~-、[AuCl_4]~-或[AuS]~-、[AuS_2]~-等络合物形式迁移。
- The porphyry mass provided not only mineralizing hydrothermal solution but also a part of mineral matter. 斑岩体不仅提供成矿热液,也提供部分矿质。
- The posttraumatic hydrothermal solution is the principal source of ore-forming fluid. 断裂和岩浆岩是两大重要的成矿地质条件。
- In hydrothermal solution, gold is activated and migrates in the form of hydride, carbonyl compound, nanometer particle, and nanometer alloy. 在热液中金呈金氢化物、金羰基化合物及纳米金粒子、纳米金合金粒子活化迁移。
- As the regressive alteration take placed due to the action of later stage hydrothermal solution on the former stage skarn ,the copper ore are formed. 铜钼矿形成于统一的接触交代成矿作用体系,后期热液使早期形成的矽卡岩发生退化蚀变并形成铜矿。
- The early deformational environment was favourable for movement of ore -forming hydrothermal solution and precipitation of gold and other metals. 在早期开放的变形环境下,有利于成矿热液的活动和富集,是寒山金矿的主成矿期;
- The metallogenetic substance is derived mainly from postmagmatic hydrothermal solution, secondarily bound up with wallrock and dike rock. 成矿物质主要来自岩浆期后热液,其次与围岩、脉岩等关系密切。
- Metal-logenic type is a post-magmatic mesothermal hydrothermal solution filling metasomatic ore deposit correlated with diabase. 矿床成因类型为与燕山期辉绿岩有关的岩浆期后中温热液充填交代矿床。
- This paper has a discussion on geochemical behavior, migrational mode and enrichment conditions of gold in hydrothermal solution. 本文描述热液中金的地球化学特征及其迁移形式、富集条件。
- The mineralizing fluid originates from magma hydrothermal solution,mixingin underground water,and formed a kind of mixing hydrothermal solution. 成矿热液起源于深部岩浆热液,在沿构造上升过程中混合了浅部地下水溶液,形成了一种混合热液。
- In this paper the relationship between the crystal forms and the growth mechanism of quartz and tinstone under the hydrothermal solution conditions has been studied. 本文研究了热液条件下,水晶和锡石的结晶形态和生长机制的关系,提出了水晶和锡石的生长基元为配位负离子多面体结构。
- Generation of uranium was closely related to migration and escaping of natural gas and may be also relevant to hydrothermal solution activities during epigenesis period. 铀的形成主要与天然气的运移和逸散有关,也可能与后生阶段的热液活动有关。
- Study on diagenesis and metallogenesis shows that the Shuangxi vanadium deposit is formed by the syndepositon of submarine exhalative hydrothermal solution. 通过对成岩、成矿的研究,初步认为双溪钒矿为海底喷气热水溶液同生沉积生成。
- The shearing structures formed by magmatic activities are the migratory channels of the hydrothermal solution and space for the forming of veins or ore-bodies. 伴随岩浆活动产生的一系列剪切构造既为成矿热液运移提供了通道,也为矿质沉淀提供了有利空间。
- Tin in magma and magmatic hydrothermal solution migrates as forms of tin hydride and tin alloy hydride to shallow crust level which, then are oxidized to tin oxide, tin alloy mineral or combine with S, H2 S, forming tin sulfides. 在岩浆和热液中,锡以锡氢化物、合金氢化物迁移至地壳浅部,锡氢化物、合金氢化物被氧化成锡氧化物、合金矿物,或与硫、化氢作用形成锡的硫化矿物。
- So, the authors conclude that the stratabound skarn of the Jiama deposit has nothing to do with magma hydrothermal solution, and however, has likely something to do with the hot brine in the basin. 因此,推断甲马矿床层状矽卡岩的形成与岩浆热液没有直接的成因联系,而很有可能是与盆地演化过程中的热(卤)水活动有关。
- Research work shows that mineralization of Nanhegou copper deposit is controlled by both peel fault and hydrothermal solution of metamorphic origin with polygenic ore forming characteristics. 研究表明南和沟铜矿床受剥离断层和变质热液两重成矿作用控制,具有多因成矿特征。
- The thermal tnetamorphism in the wallrock due to massif emplacement and the metamorphic hydrothermal solutions generatedtherefrom are the cardinal reason for the remobilization,migration ... 岩体侵位所引起的围岩热变质作用,以及由此而产生的变质热液,是导致成矿物质重新活化、迁移和富集成矿的根本原因。
- hydrothermal solution system of post volcanic magma 岩浆期后热液系统
- It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。