- Hygienic standard for inland navigation deluxe cru. 内河豪华旅游船卫生标准。
- Hygienic standard for passenger coach station II. 汽车客运站卫生标准2。
- Conclusion This hygienic standard is scientific and practicable. 结论该标准具有科学性、可行性。
- Hygienic standard for grinding wheel dust in the air of workplace. 车间空气中砂轮磨尘卫生标准.
- That is one of the hygienic standard series for environmental health is China. 它是我国环境卫生标准系列项目之一。
- Hygienic standard for arsenic and its inorganic compounds in the air of workplace. 车间空气中砷及其无机化合物卫生标准.
- Hygienic standard for environmental meteorology in underground workplace of coal mine. 煤矿井下采掘作业地点气象条件卫生标准.
- Objective To pledge the indoor air quality in armored vehicles to meet hygienic standard,and to supply a safe microclimate for the crew members. 目的保证装甲车辆舱室空气质量符合卫生学要求,为乘载员提供安全的微小气候环境。
- Health supervision"means the sanitary inspection, identification, evaluation and sampling conducted in the implementation of the health law and hygienic standard. 卫生监督”指执行卫生法规和卫生标准所进行的卫生检查、卫生鉴定、卫生评价和采样检验。
- The results indicated a much higher occurence of total plate count in papaya than the other slice fruits, all samples of papaya failed to meet the hygienic standard. 而在数种切片水果中,以木瓜的生菌数检出率最高,抽购5件均不合卫生标准。
- The INAA shows that the springs contain many healthy trace elements and thecontents of some harmful trace elements are within hygienic standard for drinkingwater. 分析结果表明,每种泉水中所含的有害元素都低于生活饮用水标准规定值,并且含有多种有益的微量元素。
- Conclusion: We should Constitut national hygienic standard of lead, cadmium and mercury in the food and assess risks of Aluminum contaimination level in the food. 结论:部分食品铅镉汞污染依然严重,应尽快制定相应的国家标准加以监管,并进行食品铝等污染水平风险评估。
- The experimental results showed that this new technique could effectively treat groundwater with 30mg/L ferro and 10mg/L manganse, and the content of ferro and manganse and bacteriolgical indexes reached the National hygienic Standard of Living Water. 实验结果表明,运用本技术能将含铁高达30mg/L、含锰高达10mg/L的地下水进行有效地净化处理。 经处理后的地下水,铁、锰含量及细菌学指标均符合国家《生活饮用水卫生标准》。
- Article13. The drinking water provided by a water supply unit must conform to the hygienic standards set by the state. 第十三条供水单位供应的饮用水必须符合国家规定的卫生标准。
- The drinking water provided by a water supply unit must conform to the hygienic standards set by the state. 第十三条供水单位供应的饮用水必须符合国家规定的卫生标准。
- Thisprovides the principle of preventing 97%mer-cury exposed population from mercurialism. The author suggests to revise the value of cur-rent hygienic standard for Hg in our countryfrom 0.01mg/m~3 to 0.03mg/m~3. 提示以保护97%25接汞人群不发生中毒为水准;建议汞的卫生标准由0.;01mg/m~3修订为0
- Article 13. The drinking water provided by a water supply unit must conform to the hygienic standards set by the state. 第十三条供水单位供应的饮用水必须符合国家规定的卫生标准。
- Beryllium is a harmful element, our nation has laid down hygienic standard for Be in drinking water, it is still not known about the hygienic standard for its content in human body. 铍是一种有害元素,我国已经制订了饮用水中铍含量的卫生标准,但人体内铍含量的卫生标准还未见到。
- Conclusion Hygienic standard and manufacturing criteria be formulated,and evaluation on the safety of Nata de coco strain be further carried out for ensuring the safety of the product. 结论应进一步对椰果产品及其发酵菌种进行安全性评价,制定产品卫生标准和生产卫生规范,以保证食品卫生安全。
- According to China's Regulations on Hygienic Standards for Cosmetics, cosmetics should not contain chromium or neodymium. 依据中国化妆品卫生标准的规定,护肤品是不能含有钕和铬的。