- hypersomnia periodica 周期性睡眠过度(多)
- At present , there is no effective treatment for hypersomnia. 就目前来说,尚未出现有效治疗嗜睡症的方法。
- Hypersomnia and personality changes point toward the brain. |嗜睡和个性影响着大脑.
- Hypersomnia's usually accompanied by irritability in depressed patients. |抑郁病人的嗜睡常常伴有暴躁.
- The manifestation of sleeping disturbance mainly includes insomnia,hypersomnia and excessive daytime sleepiness. 脑卒中后睡眠障碍临床表现形式主要有失眠、过度睡眠、日间过度倦睡症。
- Please report to your supervisor and avoid to working outside if you take some hypersomnia medicine. 如果服用嗜睡类药品请及时向自己的主管报告,尽可能避免室外工作。
- The majority of sleep-clinic patients suffer from disorders of excessive sleep or "hypersomnia". 大部分前来就诊的病人是因为过度睡眠,即嗜睡症。
- Modafinil is a novel central stimulant for the treatment of narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia. 莫达非尼是一种新型精神兴奋剂,治疗发作性睡眠症及自发性睡眠过度。
- Actigraphy also may be used to characterize other sleep disorders such as insomnia related to depression as well as hypersomnia. 腕动计还可用在描述其它睡眠障碍如抑郁失眠以及嗜睡。
- In extreme cases of hypersomnia, people have been reported to sleep up to 18 hours a day, and they may have difficulty with normal social relations. 但这种症状可能会相当严重。极端的嗜睡症病例中,曾有纪录显示患者一天能睡上 18 个小时,因而无法拥有正常的人际关系。
- In patients with insomnia and hypersomnia, there is eidence to support the use of actigraphy in the characterization of circadian rhythms and sleep patterns and disturbances. 而对于不眠症和嗜睡症患者,也有证据支持使用腕动计来纪录他们的生理节律、睡眠模式和睡眠障碍。
- The order of frequency of the symptoms occurring in premenstrual syndrome was irritation, depression, anxiety, diarrhea, lack of concentration and hypersomnia. 经前期综合征发生率较高的症状为易激动,其次依次为抑郁、焦虑、腹胀腹泻、注意力不集中、嗜睡等;
- There is some eidence to support the use of actigraphy to characterize circadian rhythms and sleep patterns or disturbances in patients with insomnia and hypersomnia. 证据还表明腕动仪可用来判断睡眠节律和睡眠模式,或判断失眠和睡眠过多症患者的功能障碍。
- We may have different kinds of sleep disorders in our daily life,such as difficulty falling asleep,insomnia,hypersomnia and changes of sleep patterns,etc. 疼痛是受到一定程度刺激之后产生的一种主观反应。
- The side effects of Clozapine include mainly tachycardia, abnormal cardiogram, white blood cell decreasing, hypersomnia, hypersalivation, urinary incontinence, faint and epileptic seizures. 利培酮治疗无效的患者换用氯氮平治疗后50%25有效,氯氮平治疗无效的患者换用利培酮治疗后20%25有效。
- While most
somehow manage to drag themselves through the day and function at acceptable, although not (optimal) levels, this is not so for people who suffer from hypersomnia. 大概就是说大部分失眠症患者都能通过药物的作用而达到一种可以接受的状况,虽然可能不是理想的状况,但对于嗜睡患者来说这就行不通了(用药物)。 - These include a pervasive feeling of sadness, disruption of sleep patterns including both insomnia and hypersomnia, disturbances in appetite and weight, listlessness, lack of interest ... 但是如果这种情绪持续了好些天,那么这个人就有可能是患了忧郁症,需要向大夫求助。
- periodica hypersomnia [医] 周期性睡眠过度, 克-列二氏综合征
- Hypersomnia disorder related to a known organic factor 与已知器质性因素有关的嗜睡症
- Hypersomnia disorder related to another mental disorder 与其他精神障碍有关的嗜睡症