- hypophysis sicca [医] 干垂体后叶
- What is the main symptom of hypophysis tumour? 垂体瘤的主要症状是什么?
- These dictate one part is communicated by hypophysis. 这些指令一部分由垂体传达。
- It also accelerates LH and FSH secretion in hypophysis. IGF-1还能促进垂体内LH和FSH分泌。
- The sicca syndrome was mostly appeared as dryness of mouth and eye clinically. 干燥综合征以口干、眼干等为主要临床特征。
- What does hypophysis tumour patient live to need to notice daily? ? ? 垂体瘤患者日常生活都需要注意些什么???
- A deficiency in vitamin A may result in dry eyes (also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca or KCS). 维生素A的缺乏会导致眼睛干燥(角膜结膜炎干燥症)。
- According to these examinations, can know the volume that whether has hypophysis tumour and tumour system. 根据这些检查,可了解是否有垂体瘤及瘤体的大小。
- Hypophysis tumour may bring about excessive to breed - the happening that amenorrhoea asks for integratedly. 垂体肿瘤可能导致溢乳 -闭经综合征的发生。
- Other eye conditions can cause corneal ulcers, such as entropion, distichia, corneal dystrophy, and keratoconjunctivitis sicca. 其他疾病也能引起角膜溃疡,例如眼睑内翻、双行睫毛、角膜营养不良和角膜干燥。
- These different childbirth means causes hypophysis loss easily, the proportion that makes the child short is higher. 这些异位分娩方式容易导致垂体损伤,使孩子矮小的比例较高。
- In summary, intensive treatment of keratoconjunctivitis sicca should be instituted first, and frequent blinking can be encouraged. 总结该病灶之治疗,开始应积极处理乾眼症的问题,并且鼓励病人多眨眼睛。
- And the Xie Su before sex hormone can restrain hypophysis, restrain a cortin secondhand. 而性激素能抑制垂体前叶素,间接抑制肾上腺皮质激素。
- Hypophysis and the normal function of spermary, instead affects the normal play of sexual function. 垂体和睾丸的正常功能,反倒影响性功能的正常发挥。
- Which hospital is treated in Shanghai is small adenoma good on the right side of hypophysis? 在上海哪个医院治疗垂体右侧微腺瘤好?
- Objective: Investigate the applied anatomy study on hypophysis of anw-born infant. 目的:对新生儿垂体的形态和毗邻进行解剖观察和测量。
- In dogs it is most commonly caused by mechanical irritation (such as by entropion, ectropion, or trichiasis), allergies, and keratoconjunctivitis sicca. 在犬种,常见起因是机械刺激(例如睑内翻、外翻或倒睫)、过敏和干燥性角结膜炎。
- Conclusion Blocking the lacrimal canaliculi with punctual plugs is a simple and effective way in treating mild or middle keratoconjunctivitis sicca caused by any kind of reasons. 结论上、下泪点泪道栓塞术方法简单,是治疗各种原因引起的轻中度角结膜干燥症的有效方法。
- Methods:120 subjects who complained the sensation of dry eye were enrolled and evaluated with a series of testing of tear quality,tear film stability and keratoconjunctival sicca. 方法:对120位门诊主诉眼干并排除其他眼病者进行干眼症答卷评分,同时进行临床干眼检测,包括泪液量检测、泪膜稳定性检测和角膜表面健康状况检测。
- Pituitary gland (or hypophysis ):Endocrine gland lying on the underside of the Brain. It plays a major part in regulating the endocrine system. 脑下垂体:位于脑下方的内分泌腺体。对内分泌系统的调节起重要作用。