- ice wine brewing 冰酒酿造
- This kinds of grape is used for wine brewing. 这种葡萄是用来酿酒的。
- Grapes frozen on vine are harvested at below -8 degrees to produce ice wine. 用来酿制冰酒的冻结葡萄是在零下8度在葡萄树上采摘的。
- Pectinase is widely used in juice production and wine brew fields owing to its ability for degrading pectin. 摘要果胶酶能降解果胶质,在果汁制造、果酒酿造等方面有着广泛应用。
- It is of great importance that we carry out research on integrated utilization of by-products in wine brewing. 积极开展葡萄酒酿造副产物综合利用的研究,化废为宝,具有十分重要的意义。
- British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley wineries produce far more ice wine than any other region in the Pacific Northwest. 不列颠哥伦比亚的欧垦那根湖区生产的冰酒比西北太平洋地区的其他任何一个地方都要多。
- Ohua Fazenda wine brewing Co.Ltd is powerful and with advanced equipment, and apply ourselves to the first brand among the internal wine bottling. 欧华庄园葡萄酿酒有限公司实力雄厚,设备先进,致力于成为国内葡萄酒灌装第一品牌。
- Chung Yeung Festival theme, is seeking a long life to wear Mastixia, chrysanthemum wine brewing, Shangju, wine and wine festival to God, and so on. 重阳节主题,是求长寿、戴茱萸、酿菊酒、赏菊、酿酒及祭把酒业神等。
- Ice wine is made from frozen grapes. They're picked in the wintertime when it's very cold . Canada has the perfect temperature for ice wine. 冰酒就是用冰葡萄制作的,在寒冷的冬天采摘下来发酵而成。加拿大的温度很适合酿造冰酒。
- The wine brewed has the best sensory value. 所酿制的酒具有最佳的感官品质。
- The author understands, when a Japanese scientist is visitting plant of rice wine brew, rice wine protects skin discover. 笔者了解到,米酒护肤是一位日本科学家在参观米酒酿造厂的时候发现的。
- Acient Roman Empire troops conquers the Continent at the same time conquering Gallia when 1 century having also extended a grape cultivating sum wine brew , A. 古罗马帝国的军队征服欧洲大陆的同时也推广了葡萄种植和葡萄酒酿造,公元1世纪时,征服高卢(今法国),法国葡萄酒就此起源,最初的葡萄种植在法国南部罗讷河谷。
- Our company mainly engaged in state ice wine, Pinot Noir Dry Red Wine, the ice wine, ice red wine, is currently in the Beijing area of sales, is very large, and has given more than wine. 我公司主要经营国宴冰葡萄酒;黑比诺干红葡萄酒;金冰冰葡萄酒;冰红葡萄酒;目前在北京地区内的销量;非常大;已为多家宾馆提供冰酒.
- The principle and material selection of wine brewing with uncooked materials were introduced, as well as the technical parameters for the production of corn wine, Indian corn samshu and glutinous rice wine. 简述了生料酿酒的原理、原料选择方法及生料法生产玉米黄酒、包谷烧酒、糯米酒等工艺参数。
- It was the characteristics of Chinese rice wine brewing and also the traditional processing technology of rice wine brewing to make koji with long rice flour and make liquor with wine koji. 以籼米粉制曲,用酒曲酿酒是中国黄酒酿造的特色,也是我国黄酒酿造工业的传统操作技艺。
- The VQA also trademarked the word “icewine” (as opposed to ice wine) as another way to communicate VQA-approved ice wines. VQA同时以“冰酒”这个词作为商标,以另一种方式表示这是经VQA审核的冰酒。
- East grain brewery is located at the foot of Xiling Snow Mountain, excellent geographical environment, in line with China's wine brewing on the requirements of soil and water conditions. 东粮酒厂地处西岭雪山脚下,地理环境优异,符合中国酿造好酒对水土条件的要求。
- Because of the lower yield of grape musts and the difficulty of processing, ice wines are significantly more expensive than table wines. 由于冰葡萄的低产量和难以加工性,所以冰葡萄酒显着比佐餐酒昂贵的多。
- This concentrated production combined with our skill and tradition to produce high quality ice wines is a key to our successful Weltachs Eiswein. 这种高集中的生产结合了我们的创新技术和酿酒传统,这也就是我们能生产出高质量冰酒的成功秘诀。
- Our purchasing centers sit in Paris and Bordeaux France and Vienna Austria respectively for the purpose of seeking fine wines, brandies and ice wines. 集团的法国采购中心设于巴黎和波尔多,专业引进法国优质葡萄酒和洋酒;奥地利采购中心设于维也纳,专业引进品质卓越的奥地利葡萄酒和冰酒。