- Underline icon titles consistent with my browser 根据浏览器设置给图标标题加下划线
- The title just won't come to mind. 那个标题就是想不起来。
- A fat chance he has of winning the title! 他夺得冠军的希望极渺茫!
- She sang the title role in Carmen. 她在歌剧《卡门》中演唱卡门这一角色。
- He have a good title to the property. 他有此财产的有效产权证书。
- The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier. 皇上授予这勇敢的士兵一头衔。
- The title "Mrs." is seldom spelled out. 先生这个称呼很少有人拼写出全部字母的。
- On his death, the title passed to his eldest son. 他死後,爵位传给了长子。
- Underline icon titles consistent with my browser settings 根据浏览器设置给图标标题加下划线
- They're fighting for the world title tonight. 他们今晚争夺世界冠军。
- The oldest son will inherit the title. 长子将继承爵位。
- The rank, title, or dignity of a viscount. 子爵的等级、头衔或尊严
- He won the world heavyweight title. 他赢得世界最重量级拳击冠军。
- He was given the title of Marquis. 他被封为侯爵。
- Arrange the icon of all minimize application across the bottom of the screen. 沿着屏幕的底部排列所有最小化的应用程序。
- Do they have any title to this land? 他们对这土地有所有权吗?
- His third play appeared under the title "The Web". 他的第三个剧本用《网》作书名出版。
- I preferred the title of reporter. 我更喜欢记者这个头衔。
- The title passes by inheritance to the eldest son. 这头衔按世袭传给长子。
- The title of the novel is "Sons and Lovers". 该书的书名为《儿子和情人》。