- Next,I would like to say something about the ideological line. 其次,谈谈思想路线问题。
- Next, I would like to say something about the ideological line. 其次,谈谈思想路线问题。
- The Third Plenary Session laid down -- or more precisely, reaffirmed -- the Party's Marxist ideological line. 三中全会确立了,准确地说是重申了党的马克思主义的思想路线。
- The Third Plenary Session formulated or, one might say, reaffirmed the Party's ideological line. 三中全会确立了或者说重申了党的思想路线。
- This is not saying that all journalists and screenwriters are forced to follow ideological lines. 这倒并不是说,所有记者和电视节目的制作者,都被强迫要去遵循某种思想意识的路线。
- Whether a correct political line can be implemented depends primarily on whether we have a correct ideological line. 正确的政治路线能不能贯彻实行,关键是思想路线对不对头。
- That is to say,in adhering to the Party's ideological line,we must also look forward rather than back. 这就是说,坚持党的思想路线,也同样要求向前看。
- The Third Plenary Session formulated or,one might say,reaffirmed the Party's ideological line. 三中全会确立了或者说重申了党的思想路线。
- The Third Plenary Session laid down -- or more precisely,reaffirmed -- the Party's Marxist ideological line. 三中全会确立了,准确地说是重申了党的马克思主义的思想路线。
- We must take note of the fact that a fair number of people are still opposed to the Party's current political and ideological lines. 我们要注意,现在反对党的政治路线、思想路线的,还大有人在。
- The ideological line of seeking truth from facts advocated by Comrade Mao Zedong was restored and developed. 恢复和发展了毛泽东同志的实事求是的思想路线
- Our ideological line is important because it serves as the basis for working out our political line. 思想路线不是小问题,这是确定政治路线的基矗。
- Despite the fact that some people still have reservations,the Party's ideological line and political line have been established. 党的思想路线和政治路线,尽管有人不通,但总是已经确立了。
- People-oriented is the innovation and development of our communist party ideological line and the new connotations of it. 摘要以人为本是我们党的思想路线的创新和发展,是党的思想路线的新内涵。
- First, emancipated the mind to correct party's ideological line, from “left” the mistake walked, has opened the reform and open policy prologue. 第一,解放思想端正了党的思想路线,从“左”的错误走出来,开启了改革开放的序幕。
- Last century, our party once deviated party's ideological line, detoured, causes our country economic development to fall into the collapse edge. 上个世纪,我们党一度偏离了党的思想路线,走了弯路,致使我国经济发展陷入了崩溃边缘。
- Correct ideological line of CPC is generated and develope d gradually in historical practice experiences of the practice of Marxism-Lenini sm in China. 中国共产党正确的思想路线是在马列主义中国化的历史实践中不断总结、产生和发展起来的。
- The mission of Chinese Marxist philosophy, whose main content is methodology, is to philosophize the realistic and truthful Chinese ideological line. 中国马克思主义哲学是以马克思主义哲学为指导,以中国革命和建设为实践基础,以中国传统哲学为文化背景的三因素结合的产物。
- In this sense,the debate about the criterion for testing truth is really a debate about ideological line,about politics,about the future and the destiny of our Party and nation. 从这个意义上说,关于真理标准问题的争论,的确是个思想路线问题,是个政治问题,是个关系到党和国家的前途和命运的问题。