- Abiding the Requirement of Environmental Law and rule of Country. 遵守国家环境法律、法规要求。
- ideology of environmental law 环境法理念
- The 1980's-1990's witnessed major growth of environmental laws to manage the natural environment but land degradation law reform did not feature in this group. 1980-1990年代环境法发展的主要领域在于管理自然环境,但是防治土地退化的法律改革没有受到关注。
- There is, however, another strand of environmental law which seeks different, though related, goals. 然而,环境保护法还有一个尽管相关,但却不同的目标。
- The EC has legislated in most areas of environmental law and is competent to implement most COP/MOP decisions. 欧盟已在环境法的许多领域都已开展了立法活动,并有权实施缔约国大会或缔约国会议决议。
- The ideology of the political left. 左派,左翼政治左派的意识形态、观点
- The question of the Justice is the central content of the value of environmental law and the important theoretic base to design the whole system. 而公平正义问题又是环境法价值目标的核心内容,也是其进行整个制度设计的重要理论基石。
- The author review and separate the history course of the evolution of environmental law theory and international environmental law(IEL) between 20th century and 21st century. 对环境法理念的变迁和国际环境法的产生和发展这一凸现在20-21世纪人类面前的历史进程进行了考察和界划。
- The above idea can satisfy the needs of validating the necessity and feasibility of moral legalization, so it should become the ethic foundation of environmental law. 人与自然和谐发展思想能够满足道德法律化的必要性论证和可行性论证,应当成为环境法的伦理基础。
- It is by the participation of the public that ideal and institution of environmental culture can be harmonized and the rule of environmental law can come true. 祇有公众参与,环境法律文化结构中的观念文化与制度文化才能和谐统一,环境法治才可以实现。
- Special Action of Investigating and Punishing Violation of Environmental Laws. 查处环境违法行为专项行动。
- Inquiry into Music Aesthetic Ideology of Liszt. 李斯特音乐美学思想探微。
- Part one: the political ideology of Madero. 第一部分:马德罗的政治思想。
- According to confirming the essentiality of data auditing on CEMS and referenced on the rules of environmental law domestic and overseas, we set down an integrated prescribe of data auditing on CEMS. 通过强调大气污染源连续排放监测系统数据审核的重要性,参考国内外环保法规,制定了完整的大气污染源连续排放监测系统数据审核规定。
- From the view of Ethics, the environmental rights embody rich ethical intentions, and they are the outcome of the legistimatization of environmental morality and moralization of environmental law. 从伦理学的角度分析,环境权本身即体现了丰富的伦理内涵,是环境道德法律化和环境法律道德化的产物。
- The Government has also set up a special Environmental Protection's Procuratorate, responsible for inspecting, monitoring and processing industries and services in violation of environmental law. 政府还专门成立了环境保护检察院,负责检查、监督和处理工业和服务业违反环保法案件。
- Abstract:Codification has proved to be an alternative way for the development of environmental law under new circumstances, which should be preferred by China to improve its environmental law. 摘要:在新的形势下法典化已经成为环境法发展的新路向,我国亦当对此予以积极回应。
- Criticizethe ideology of going after fame and wealth. 批判追求名利的思想。
- There are plenty of ideology of hermeneutics in 77k Mencius. 《孟子》一书中蕴含着丰富的诠释学思想。
- In fact the inefficacy of environmental law is the deviating of value of law, namely that some laws deviate or violate corresponding value of law. 环境法的失效实际上也是法的价值的背离,即对应有的法的价值背离或违反的结果。