- illegal external link 非法外联
- Your edit includes new external links. 你的编辑内容中含有本网站以外的连结。
- Review and accept changes to external links. 查看并接受对外部链接所做的更改。
- GTSM does not guarantee the accuracy of any information or material on our site or via external link from our sites. 柜台买卖中心对于您使用本网站或经由本网站连结之其他网站而取得之资讯或建议,不担保其为完全正确无误。
- Housing Link, the secondary has generally declined to 7% of loans, internal and external link between second-hand housing loans to 6%, Link, from 5%. 内环线的二手房贷款已普遍降低至7成,内外环间二手房贷款降至6成,环线外降至5成。
- The symbol that indicates an external link does not move to the left in a Farsi article; instead, it obscures the first characters in a word, making it somewhat unreadable. 表明外部链接的符号不在波斯语文章的左边T;反而她让一个单词的第一个字符被遮住使得有些让人无法阅读。
- As Neopets uses a third-party advertiser, however, some pop-ups may appear due to Neopets' inability to control what an external link may piggyback to its users. 这些目标中的任何一种都能花上一笔相当庞大的尼奥点数,因此热衷的用户将会花掉他们数个月的所得。
- In order to get complete election results, add returns from both counties.Visit Snohomish County election returns (external link), for additional election returns. 如要得知选举的综合总结果,请将两个郡的结果相加。
- For these reasons, external links should not be included without good reason. 因为这些理由,尽量不在新闻中添加外部链接,除非有着特别的必要。
- Despite careful checking of content, we will not accept any liability for the contents. External links. 虽然网站内容已经经过了仔细的检查,但我们对网站内容和外部连接不承担任何责任。
- Wuxi HappySport dont assure to provide users with convenient external links to the accuracy and completeness. 世强企业不保证为向用户提供便利而设置的外部链接的准确性和完整性。
- Note on Liability: Even though we carefully check the contents, we are not liable for the contents of external links. 法律责任声明:虽经过我们的严格控制,对于外部的连接网页的内容我们不负法律责任。
- OFTA clamps down on illegal external telecommunications services operations 电讯局取缔非法对外电讯服务
- Illegal and unjustifiable funds and charges. 不合法、不合理基金和收费项目。
- At the end of the topic, a collection of links will be generated; it includes all of the external links found in your file. 在主题的末尾处将生成一组链接,其中包括文件中的所有外部链接。
- The dictator represses all opposition as illegal. 这个独裁者把所有反对他的活动均视为非法加以镇压。
- error link: unresolved external link _CLSID_..... ;需要联结什么库啊...
- Their speculative buying of grain is illegal. 他们投机购买谷物是不合法的。
- He admitted that he was an illegal immigrant. 他承认他是非法移民。
- Abortion is illegal in this country. 人工流产在这个国家是不合法的。