- Less influence of Beardsley's illustrations was seen on the illustrations of Shanghai Style;the most influenced one was Ye Lingfeng. 海派插图受比亚兹莱插图影响不大,其中受其影响最明显的是叶灵凤的插图。
- illustration of Shanghai style 海派插图
- This ensemble music originates in southern Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and has a special flavor of Shanghai style about it. 它是流行于江苏南部至浙江一带的器乐合奏形式,以上海地区最具特色。
- Beardsley's illustrations were well-known for eccentric distortion and exaggeration, and this style was embodied in part of Shanghai Style writers. 比亚兹莱的插图以诡异的变形夸张而著称,这种怪诞之风在部分海派作家身上也有体现。
- Aubrey Beardsley's illustrations had a strong touch of sex, which influenced the novels of Shanghai Style both positively and negatively. 摘要比亚兹莱的插图散发着浓重的情色意味,它对于海派小说的影响也是包含着正负价值两个方面的。
- Centered around city of Shanghai, the exhibition meanders through a series of experiences: from Nongtang culture, Shanghai style, materialism and petit bourgeois sentiment. 展览以“上海”这个平台为起点,从里弄文化、海派作风、拜物主义、小资情怀的视觉风景一路走来。
- That's a typical illustration of his meanness. 那是说明他为人卑鄙的典型例子。
- Illustration of a Barn Statement. 银行往来调节表的举例。
- SiSi suits, a collection of all strong points of Shanghai styles, and a show of elegance in a men's world. “西斯”西服汇集了海派西服的所有特长,展现出男人世界的迷人风采。
- So that's one illustration of a package deal. 这种融资方式是一揽子交易的一种。
- Pictorial illustration of a subject. 插图某一主题的图像阐释
- This is the best illustration of Paren people! 这是人怕人的最好说明!
- That outburst was illustrative of her bad temper. 这一通发作足以说明她脾气坏。
- In this document is an illustration of the W-87 warhead. 其中有一幅W-87核弹头的插图。
- Her talk smacks of Shanghai dialect. 她的言谈带有上海方言的味道。
- A rock falling to the ground is an illustration of gravity. 石块落地是地球引力的一个实例。
- The Bund has almost become the symbol of Shanghai. 外滩几乎已经成为了上海的标志。
- To give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use. 给一个词下定义要比举例说明它的用法困难。
- Soon he was appointed mayor of Shanghai. 不久他就被任命为上海市长。
- Her speech partakes of Shanghai accent. 她讲话时带有上海口音。