- image hierarchical model 图像层次模型
- The ASCS is a hierarchical model. 青少年压力应对结构具有一定的等级性。
- In addition, the hierarchical model will reduce the cost and complexity of Internet routers. 此外,这种层次模型还将降低因特网路由器的成本和复杂度。
- In addition,the hierarchical model will reduce the cost and complexity of Internet routers. 此外,这种层次模型还将降低因特网路由器的成本和复杂度。
- Compared with the hierarchical model, the relational model is quite complicated. 与层次模型相比,关系模型相当复杂。
- A hierarchical model of FMS and the procedure of its analysis, evaluation based on EPN is described in detail. 本文详细描述了FMS的分级模型及根据EPN对该模型进行分析 和评估的过程。
- An audio-visual hierarchical model is used to detect explosion scenes from MPEG stream based on compressed features. 摘要提出在实时环境下使用基于听觉和视觉的分层模型对MPEG多媒体数据流中的“爆炸”场景在压缩域进行识别的算法。
- The pyramid model based on the wavelet analysis was used to represent the large image hierarchically for efficient storage and fast display. 运用小波分析理论,实现图像的分级快速显示与分级存储,并实现图像信息的存储。
- The thrust of American government organization in the past two generations has been toward greater centralization within a hierarchical model. 在过去两代人的时间里,美国政府组织的主要趋势,是在一个等级制模式中走向更大程度的权力集中。
- Based on attribute measurement,attribute hierarchical model is established by an alyzing judgment criterion and attribute judgment matrix. 在属性测度的基础上,通过分析判断准则和属性判断矩阵,建立了属性层次模型。
- Caution:Technically a Use Case diagram can represent the decomposition of a single use case, yielding a hierarchical model. 注意 技术上来说,一个用例图能代表一个单独用例的分解,产出一个分层的模型。
- The thrust of American government organization in the past two generations has been toward greater centralization within a hierarchical model . 在过去两代人的时间里,美国政府组织的主要趋势,是在一个等级制模式中走向更大程度的权力集中。
- Experiments show that with a better efficiency the translation results of our non-contiguous phrase-based model and hierarchical model arc comparable. 实验表明,在效率提高的情况下,非连续短语模型可以取得与层次型短语模型相当的翻译结果。
- This architecture is well adaptive and scalable by using grid service invoking technique and adopting some features of hierarchical model and GMA architecture. 该结构采用了网格服务调用的方法,借鉴了层次化监控模型和GMA监控模型的特点,具备良好适应性和可扩展性。
- Based on the traditional analytic hierarchical process, the analytic hierarchical model AHM was used in comprehensive performance evaluation of railway existing concrete bridge. 摘要在传统层次分析法的基础上,将改进的AHM层次分析法,应用于铁路既有混凝土桥梁综合性能评价中。
- Then the indexes of performance evaluation are analyzed by Analytic Hierarchical Model (AHM), the weight of indexes are evaluated.The program and institution are also involved. 然后利用属性层次模型(AHM)进行了绩效考核指标体系的量化分析,评价了各指标的权重。
- The logical structure of data in a data base. The three best known models are the hierarchical model, the network model, and the relational model. 数据库中数据的逻辑结构,最常用的三种为层次模型、网状模型和关系模型。
- This thesis introduces the design and implementation of a typical gigabyte library information network. The hierarchical model in design and three key technologies to complete network are analyzed in detail. 介绍了一个典型的千兆图书馆信息网的设计与实现,重点对网络设计的分层模式和实现网络的3个关键技术进行了分析。
- The heroine is the spitting image of the author. 书中女主人翁是作者的真实写照。
- The structure and service of Windows 2000 PKI, and the architecture of public key application service are discussed. Certificate services, the certificate hierarchical model of certificate authority and the attributes of certificate database are analyzed. 介绍了Windows2000PKI的结构和服务以及公钥应用服务的结构框架,分析了认证中心的证书服务、认证中心的层次模型和证书数据库的属性。