- In the image matching algorithm, a RANSAC homography method is proposed to improve the efficiency of coplanar feature matching. 使图象间共面特征基元的匹配效率提高。
- The results show that the CPDM image matching algorithm has character of the better probability,precision and robustness of registration in the noise,deformation and occlude. 实验结果表明:对应像素距离相似性度量方法的图像匹配算法具有较强的抗噪、抗畸变能力和稳定性;具有较高的匹配精度和匹配概率.
- The log-polar transform (LPT) is utilized and an anti-rotation and anti-scale image matching algorithm is proposed based on the image edge feature point extraction. 在惯性导航系统中,定量分析了景象匹配过程中惯性导航系统漂移和无线电气压高度表测量误差对实测图的旋转和尺度所造成的影响,引入了对数极坐标变换。
- Physics conceptions are introduced into image matching and definitions to the Mess,Density,Gravity Center and the Physical Feature Vector(PFV)of image are given in the paper. And a new matching algorithm based on image physical feature is proposed. 文章将物理学相关概念引入图象匹配中,定义了二维灰度图象的质量、密度、重心以及物理特征矢量,并由此提出了一种新的基于图象物理特征的分层匹配算法。
- In addition, a multi-level fast NCC-based image matching algorithm and a new hybrid approach for block based motion estimation based on adaptively using the NCC and SAD measures are proposed. 接下来,我们提出了一个多层式快速基于NCC的影像比对方法以及一个新型可调式地结合了SAD与NCC评估方法的混合式运动估计方法于视讯压缩上。
- The main calculation in the particle image matching algorithm is to have the two visual seriate images taken the cross-correlation arithmetic based on the fast fourier transform. 本文在分析相关算法的基本原理和各种算法的的基础上,将两连续的视频图像进行基于快速傅里叶变换的互相关运算,与传统的互相关算法相比,大大提高了运算速度。
- Fast Image Matching Algorithm Based on Gray Level 基于灰度的图像快速匹配算法
- A fast color image matching algorithm 一种快速彩色图像匹配算法
- Maximum correlation image matching algorithm 最大归一互相关算法
- The work flow is described in detail.Moreover, a comparison between traditional and modified image matching algorithm i performed with an ASTER image and a TM image with distinct imaging differences. 本文给出具体的实施流程,并结合ASTER和TM两种成像差异显著的图像数据,对优化前后的匹配算法均进行了试验,给出了试验结果和对比分析。
- In this thesis, we propose two efficient image matching algorithms based on the normalized cross correlation (NCC) criterion for pattern matching and motion estimation, respectively. 在这篇论文中,我们提出了两个基于正规化相关匹配法(NCC)的有效率影像比对演算法,并将之应用于样型识别与运动估计上。
- normalized cross-correlation image matching algorithm 归一化互相关
- An Images Matching Algorithm Based on Graph Cuts 基于图割的图像匹配算法
- Precision images matching algorithm 精确图象匹配算法
- An Image Match Algorithm of Lunar Rover Based on Barnard and LoG 基于Barnard特征和LoG算子的月球车图像特征匹配
- A Practical Image Matching Algorithm Resisting Partial Intensive Interference 一种实用的抗局部强干扰的景象匹配算法
- The Study of Image Matching Algorithm for Scene Matching Aided Navigation System 景像匹配辅助导航系统中的图像匹配算法研究
- Image matching is carried outusing this feature for FBM regions. 在FBM区域内采用该特征进行匹配能克服复杂自然景物图像中灰度与边缘特征的不稳定性。
- Rotated image matching using circular template and HNCC method[J]. 引用该论文 孙卜郊;周东华.