- image synthesis method 图象综合法
- Synthesis method of 6-methyluracil was studied. 着重介绍了6-甲基脲嘧啶的合成方法。
- In the process of synthesis, we improved the old synthesis method. 在合成过程中,对文献报道的一些中间体的合成进行了改进,使得反应时间缩短,产物的纯度和产率大大提高。
- A synthesis method of indium tris acetylacetonate is introduced. 报道了乙酰丙酮铟的合成方法。
- Objective To research the synthesis method of Apraclonidine. 目的探讨安普乐定的合成方法。
- It is based on an improved DDS+PLL synthesis method. 它基于改进的DDS+PLL组合频率合成方法。
- A new synthesis method ofN-am ino-carbazole was stud ied in this article. 以咔唑为起始原料,经亚硝化和还原两步反应合成N-氨基咔唑。
- Monte Carlo is a good choice to compute the problem of global illumination in the field of realistic image synthesis. 在真实感图形生成领域里,蒙特卡罗方法是计算整体光照问题的极佳选择。
- This paper introduces a new synthesis method of insecticide Ethoprophos. 报道了农药丙线磷的一种新的合成方法。
- OBJECTIVE To study the feasible synthesis method of poly-sebacic anhydride. 目的研究聚癸二酸酐适宜的合成方法。
- This paper reports a synthesis method of a new tricentre complex agent. 文章报告了一种新的三中心络合剂的合成方法。
- The properties, domestic application situation and synthesis method of the herbicide tribenuron-methyl are introduced. 摘要介绍了除草剂苯磺隆的性质、国内应用现状和合成方法。
- Other tools give greater importance to a dynamic visualization, like Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) browsers, but the rendering is not as nice as with image synthesis software. 其它软件更注重于动态可视效果,就像虚拟现实建模语言(VRML)浏览器,但是渲染就不会像那些综合图像软件所做出的效果。
- Ultrafine Fe-Co bimetallic alloy by metal vapor synthesis method (MVS) was used for hydrogenation of carbon dioxide. 采用金属蒸气合成法(MVS)制备了超微细铁钴合金催化剂,用于二氧化碳常压加氢,并对比了共沉淀法所得催化剂的反应性能。
- GIMP can be achieved in a variety of image processing requirements, including photos polish, image synthesis and the creation of images. GIMP 能够实现多种图像处理方面的要求,包括照片润饰、图像合成和创建图像。
- Most of the image synthesis software prefer a good rendering with shading calculations, but the pictures produced are static because of the difficulty in calculating the whole picture. 大多数的图像综合处理软件倾向于阴影计算来提供好的渲染效果,但是提供的图像是静态的,因为计算整个图片很困难。
- The synthesis of N-(2-hydroxyethyl)phthalimide via Gabriel synthesis method was reported. 报道了通过盖布瑞尔合成法制备N (2 羟乙基) 邻苯二甲酰亚胺。
- In this paper,the synthesis method and properties of epoxy-inorganic nanocomposites are briefly described. 对以环氧树脂为基体的无机纳米复合材料的制备、性质及研究开拓进行了扼要的阐述。
- A 3D pattern synthesis method for cylindrical conformal arrays based on adaptive array theory is presented. 最后基于自适应天线阵理论,研究共形阵的赋形算法,并给出一种用于共形阵列天线三维方向图的波束赋形算法。
- Introduces the characters and application in some fields of triclosan and briefly introduces a synthesis method. 介绍了三氯生的特点及其在几个方面的应用,并简单介绍了一种合成方法。