- imaginal diapause 成虫滞育
- Studies on diapause of Tetranychus urticae Koch. 二斑叶螨滞育特性的初步研究。
- Characteristics of diapause induction of cotton bollworm. 棉铃虫的滞育诱导特性。
- Unlike torpor, diapause is a long-term state of suspension. 滞育和冬眠不一样,是一种长期的休眠状态。
- She tried all imaginal ways to prevent a prosecution. 她用尽一切想得到的办法阻止她们控告。
- This author's imaginal tip stories always delight her readers. 读者们一直都很喜爱这个作者富有想象力的故事。
- Also easy to promote the imaginal memory and the narration spreads. 也容易促进形象记忆和讲述流传。
- Photoperiod produces little influence on the diapause of housefly larvae. 光周期对家蝇幼虫滞育的影响不大。
- The diapause of housefly larvae can be terminated by high temperature. 高温可解除家蝇幼虫的滞育。
- Photo-period brings for the little effect on the diapause of larvae. 光周期对幼虫滞育的影响不大。
- The paper emphasizes that there are multiple pathways to diapause completion. 强调昆虫滞育的完成有多种途径。
- Although Deneb is much like your Mum than an Imagin, his power is terrible! 天津四虽然像母亲多过异魔人,但他的实力不容忽视!
- He is here a biggie. His imagin is on the front page whichle the time. 他如今是个大款,他的相片常常在(报纸、书本的)封面上出现。
- Please leave a message forix me after "beep" in your imagin wation.... 请在心中默想一声"哔"之后留下你的讯息....
- Effects of breaking diapause on the reproduction of Orius sauteri overwintering adults. 人为打破滞育对东亚小花蝽越冬成虫生殖的影响。
- The Relationship Between Diapause and Hydrogen Peroxide Metabolism in Castor Silkworm, Attacus cynthia ricini B. 蓖麻蚕滞育与过氧化氢代谢的关系。
- Under specific enviromental information,neuroendocrine cells produce and secrete diapause hormone(DH). 在特定的环境条件信息下 ,神经分泌细胞产生和分泌滞育激素 (DH)。
- The critical photoperiods for inducing ACB larval diapause were different in the geographic populations. 在一定温度下诱导不同地理种群滞育的临界光周期由南到北逐渐延长,同时,随温度的升高可以使种群临界光周期缩短。
- The diapause was terminated after treatment at cio for 120 days or at sac or 10t for 100 days. 滞育卵在0℃下放置120天,5℃-10℃下放置100天后解除滞育。
- One of the difficulties of the study in diapause is how to get enough butte flies. 充足稳定的实验蝴蝶难以获得,是目前研究蝴蝶滞育的一个难点。