- The novel captured the imagination of thousands of readers. 这部小说引起了千万读者的想象。
- The knowledge of sin is the beginning of salvation. 认罪是得救的开端。
- The teacher is good at firing up the imagination of his pupil. 这位教师很善于激发学生们的想像力。
- He had a cross of salvation round his throat. 他有一个救苦救难的十字架挂在脖子上。
- The ecstasy of salvation;spiritual joy. 超度的极乐;精神上的喜悦
- Then, are they deprived of salvation forever? 那他们永远不会被得救吗?
- The ecstasy of salvation; spiritual joy. 超度的极乐;精神上的喜悦。
- Pray that Arabs hear the good new of salvation. 求神使阿拉伯人能听见救恩的大好消息。
- His imagination of the universe was elementary. 自己对这宇宙万物的想象力太贫乏了。
- The imagination of man is naturally sublime. 人类的想像当然是非凡的。
- One that is or is regarded as a source of salvation in a crisis. 救星是或被认为是在危机中拯救别人的人
- This event fired the imagination of many artists. 这件事使很多艺术家受到启发。
- The road of salvation was mapped out from the cradle to the grave. 人们把得救之路从生至死都确定了。
- The teacher is good at firing up the imagination of his pupils. 这位教师很善於激发学生们的想像力。
- It was his hereditary office to close the gates of salvation. 他传统的任务就是去结束梵天降生救世的典礼。
- So with joy will you get water out of the springs of salvation. 所以你们必从救恩的泉源欢然取水。
- Her talk captured (ie gripped and stimulated) the imagination of the whole class. 她的谈话吸引了全班的同学,激发了他们的想像力。
- The Abominable Snowman who haunts the imagination of climbers in the Himalayas is hardly more elusive. 常使喜马拉雅山的攀登者浮想联翩的雪人也不比此更难以捉摸。
- imagination of salvation 救赎想象
- Poem must have imagination of boldness,novelty and abundance. 诗歌必须有大胆、新奇、丰富的想象;