- imitating historical records “按鉴演义”
- To record in or in the form of a historical record. 记录,记载记录或写进历史记录
- This is 1294 historical record in Toto. 这是过去多多1294的开彩记录。
- Historical records for any previously generated alerts. 关于以前发出的所有警报的历史记录。
- Historical records show that Macbeth did in fact exist. 历史记载表明麦克白确有其人。
- Compare the Differences between Historical Records and Archives. 史书与档案的差别比较。
- Historical records cite the contents of the stone tablet. 好在有历史资料记载了石碑上的内容。
- Historical Records is a significant historical epic. 《史记》是一部气势恢宏的历史史诗。
- As a historical record this book is without a compeer. 作为历史记录, 这本书是无与伦比的。
- Works of art and priceless historical records were ruthlessly destroyed. 艺术品和珍贵史料全被无情地毁掉了。
- The Classics Pavilion houses a rich collection of historical records. 藏经阁内存有丰富的历史资料。
- These materials can't be said to have much value as historical records. 这些材料说不上有什么史料价值。
- Historical records, dragon boat race commemorates the patriotic poet qu yuan. 史书记载,赛龙舟是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原而兴起的。
- According to historical records, Houhai was designed in the thirteenth century. 为了与北海、中海、南海前三海区别,被称作后三海。
- Some people say that "Historical Records" is a Han Dynasty book of slander. 有人说,《史记》是汉代的谤书。
- Academe has biggish difference because of lacking historical record. 由于史料记载不详,学术界有较大的分歧。
- Historical record has it that this marBle ramp weighs aBout 300 tons. 根据历史记载,这个大理石的台阶重约300 吨。
- Many historical records and annals documented the development of Taiwan by the Chinese people in earlier periods. 大量的史书和文献记载了中国人民早期开发台湾的情景。
- He's very clever at imitating his friends. 他非常擅长於模仿朋友的言行。
- On the other hand, historical records are so fragmentary that extra-biblical records of Moses may have been long lost. 另一方面,历史记录又是如此地断断续续,圣经以外有关摩西的记载也许很久以前已经丢失。