- immaterial legacy of cultures 非物质文化遗产
- His weak chest was a legacy of a childhood illness. 他那瘦弱的胸脯是儿时患病的后遗症。
- His uncle left him a legacy of $50,000. 他叔父给他留下五万元遗产。
- Good Rockin'Tonight: The legacy of Sun Records. 太阳唱片精选收录。
- The Beatles left a legacy of great music. 遗产;遗赠之物。
- It was a legacy of his time in prison. 这是他坐牢的时候留下来的一个毛
- What will the legacy of this vanishing century be? 这一即将逝去的世纪将留给我们什么呢?
- In the rush to go folkloric watch out for collision of cultures. 在民俗化的热潮中,要提防不同文化的冲突。
- For many people, the legacy of JFK still lives on. 对许多人来说,约翰.甘迺迪虽死,其功勋仍永垂不朽。
- In some ways, ours is a clash of cultures. 从某种意义上来说,我们的冲突是不同文化间的冲突。
- In some ways,ours is a clash of cultures. 从某种意义上来说,我们的冲突是不同文化间的冲突。
- These are the cultural legacies of the Renaissance. 这些是文艺复兴时期的文化遗产。
- The legacy of past policies weighs heavily upon current ones. 以前政策遗留下来的问题对当前政策有很大影响。
- Punctuation thus becomes the signature of cultures. 于是,标点成了不同文化的标志。
- Among them, there are 23 items of cultural heritage of the world, cultural landscape 1 legacy of the world, 5 items natural legacies of the world, 4 items world culture and double legacy of nature. 其中,有世界文化遗产23项,世界文化景观遗产1项,世界自然遗产5项,世界文化与自然双重遗产4项。
- The problems were made worse by the legacy of centuries of neglect. 这些问题由于长期无人过问,情况变得更加严重。
- Shaman King - Legacy of the Spirits - Soaring Hawk (U). 通灵王-精神遗产翱翔之鹰(美)。
- Shaman King - Legacy of the Spirits - Sprinting Wolf (U). 通灵王-精神遗产疾速之狼(美)。点击进入下载页面。
- The legalist-confucian legacy of Han Fei Zi: a history perspective. 林纬毅。韩非子法儒兼容思想的历史考察。
- How to decide the heirdom of the legacy of the house? 如何定夺房屋遗产的继承权?