- Their immediate need is for food, clothing and shelter. 他们所急需的是吃的,穿的和住的。
- We must do something to meet the refugees' immediate needs. 我们必须设法满足难民眼下的需求。
- The government is taking interim measures to help those in immediate need. 政府正在采取临时措施帮助那些有立即需要的人。
- Assets that may be sold relatively quickly, to meet an immediate need. 可以相对较快出售以备急用的资产。
- What we should do is to meet his immediate needs. 我们所应该做的是迎合他眼下的急需。
- One hundred dollars will meet my immediate needs. 一百美元可以应付我目前的需要。
- We worry about our immediate needs. 我们只会担心自己眼前的需求。
- The land sales were merely a temporary expedient for dealing with an immediate need. 出售土地是一应急的权宜之计。
- "Ultimately," Mr.Cooke said, "there is a real conflict between environmental issues, long-term benefits and the immediate need to generate revenues. 库克先生说:“归根到底,环境问题这一长远利益与增加收入这一眼前需要之间存在着实际的矛盾冲突。”
- On one occasion, Hirsch air-freighted a tub to an export customer with an immediate need. 又一次,美国好施集团接到一个紧急订单,空运出口浴缸到国外的客户那里。
- Neither state tolerates any kind of political dissent - nor does it see any immediate need for general elections. 两个国家都不能容忍任何政治异见,也都看不出进行全民选举的迫切需求。
- It was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs. 这是按照满足直接需求的自觉性目标来创建的。
- "It really filled an immediate need at a time when the University couldn't do a thing about it," Kessler said. "这真是充满迫切需要在这个时候,大学不能做的一件事, "凯斯勒说。
- The immediate need is to find a supportive local family environment for bereaved children and to keep them safe. 现在最紧迫的是要为刚刚丧失亲人的小孩找到有支持的当地家庭,保证他们的安全。
- International company in Beijing Financial Street District has immediate need for an experienced Tradesman, Mechanical. 坐落于北京金融街的卓著中心即将开业,急需招一名有经验的机械维修技工。
- We must bear in mind not only immediate needs but future ones as well. 我们不但要看到近期的需要,而且必须预见到远期的需要;
- Human capacity building meets our long-term as well as immediate needs. 加强人力资源能力建设,既是长远的考虑,又是现实的需要。
- The major tipping point in the Yankees' favor was their immediate need for Clemens, said the right-hander's agent, Randy Hendricks. 克莱门斯的经纪人亨德瑞斯表示,洋基能够独得垂青,主要是因为他们立刻就需要克莱门斯。
- IGA grid addresses the immediate need for a grid solution for the hosted environment using technologies available today. IGA网格解决了使用目前可用技术的宿主环境对于网格解决方案的需要。