- immobilization proleather 固定化蛋白酶
- Plaster was used for fixation and immobilization. 石膏固定。
- Fractures often impose a greater need for strict immobilization. 骨折迫使病人需要有严格的固定。
- Immobilization culture of a marine microalgae Dunaliella sp. 盐藻固定化培养的初步研究。
- This part provides two efficiency methods for ssDNA immobilization. 该研究为单链DNA的固定提供了有效的新方法。
- Why should a state of such deep immobilization ever have evolved? 为什么如此深固定的状态应该曾经已经进展?
- A temporary immobilization,as of traffic,work,or mechanical operation. 停业,交通停顿交通、工作或机器运转的暂时停滞
- Study on the immobilization culture of marine microalga Dicrateria sp. 叉鞭金藻固定化培养的初步研究。
- A temporary immobilization, as of traffic, work, or mechanical operation. 停业,交通停顿交通、工作或机器运转的暂时停滞
- Demonstrate ability to use spine immobilization techniques in trauma victims. 有能在创伤患者身上使用脊椎板固定技巧.
- For immobilization of fractures in the wrist, forearm and metacarpals. 有效固定手腕、前臂和掌部。
- Purpose To study limb immobilization influencing on denervated muscle atrophy. 结论肢体制动加速了失神经支配肌肉萎缩的发展。
- The purely mechanical effect of glandular trichome exudates is the entrapment and immobilization of small arthropods. 具腺毛状体分泌物的纯机械作用是诱捕和粘住小的昆虫。
- Transient immobilization and stravation add to this impost on the skeletal muscle mass. 暂时的卧床和饥饿更加重了这种骨胳肌的消耗。
- Does simple posterior dislocation of the elbow necessitate strict immobilization? 单纯肘关节后脱位需要严格制动吗?
- The technique of immobilization is widely regarded by people as a measure of in creasing production efficiency. 摘要固定化技术作为一种能有效提高生产效率的手段正引起人们的广泛重视。
- Halo-vest immobilization was applied to prevent the instability coming from dystonic neck movement after surgery. 患者接受颈椎间板术以解除脊髓压迫症状,手术后。
- Not the total mobilization of the armed forces,but their immobilization or withdrawal. 不是军队总动员,而是军队不动员,或向后撤。
- The open lever bone plastic and cast immobilization in treatment of stable fracture of the distal radius. 局麻下小切口开放撬拨复位石膏外固定治疗桡骨远端稳定骨折。
- Transient immobilization and starvation add to this impost on the skeletal muscle mass. 暂时的卧床和饥饿更加重了这种骨胳肌的消耗。