- impact angle error 落角误差
- Droit can concern from law or economy two angle will hold, system of ownership is the property that holds from economic impact angle. 所有权可以从法律或经济关系两个角度来把握,所有制是从经济关系角度把握的所有权。
- Secondly, steering angle error and steering time are measured when the bottom angle and steering arm length of steering mechanism are varied. 其次,分析了机构底角和转向臂长度两个变量对汽车转向轮转角误差及转向时间的影响。
- Corner Cube Reflector (CCR) was widely used, but the automatic test of the dihedral angle error of CCR was not realized. 锥体棱镜应用广泛,但其二面角偏差没能实现测量的自动化。
- The results indicate that the optimized TVC scheme avoids rising of missile-body, and increases the impact angle, which reduces the requirement on the warhead. 结果表明,优化后的TVC方案避免了弹体抬头的现象发生,提高了导弹击顶时的落角,可降低对战斗部的指标要求。
- The incidention flux, the ion impact angle and the ion impact energy were calculated and synthesized to determine the ion implantation dose on the target surface. 重点研究了等离子体鞘层的时空演化规律,以及入射离子流密度、入射离子角度与能量的分布,由此得到了注入离子剂量在靶表面的分布。
- This paper also presents a method to solve the tunnel axis displacement on line caused by angle error between tube center axis and datum of joint. 分析了对接面与管段中心线夹角误差对沉放后线路位置的影响,提出了控制隧道轴线偏差的措施;
- As for retroreflector with circular section, FFDP under different incident conditions of laser beam, dihedral angle error and flatness error is simulated. 基于角反射器的几何结构模型, 采用矢量形式的折反射定律, 建立了在不同光束入射条件下, 具有二面角和面形误差的角反射器的出射光场的相位分布和远场衍射模式的数学模型。
- Compared with flat-bottomed aerator, the impact angle of the aerator with a downstream baffler was smaller and it has better aerated effects than the one without downstream bafflers. 结果表明,相比于常规平底掺气设施,平底下游加设贴坎掺气设施射流冲击角较小,能有效地抑制空腔回水,有稳定的掺气空腔,且通气量等掺气特性指标都有明显改善。
- In terms of the testing error of angle error containing both principle error and systematic error related to SNR,the optimal designed size of light spot helps to improve the performance of detecting systems with quadrant detectors. 从与误差信号测量误差关联的原理误差及与信噪比SNR有关系统误差出发,提出了光斑大小优化设计的问题,得出实际设计的光斑大小稍大于探测器有效半径的1/2有助于改善系统性能,并通过相关系统研制稳定性跟踪试验给予验证。
- Since the game also calculates the impact angle of the projectile, make sure you are always aiming at high angles and avoid flat angles to have the best chances to succeed. 由于游戏包含了射角的设定,所以玩家在瞄准时必须注意角度的问题,这样才会有成功的机会。
- This paper suggests a technique not needing track correction flight that corrects space location error and reference azimuth angle error for radars when installing them in network. 文中提出了一种对雷达网布站时产生的雷达站的空间和基准方位角误差的不需要航校飞行的校正方法。
- For scan of biochip, the reasons of the deflection angle error are analyzed.Then automated method for calculating deflection angle of microarray signal and image segmentation is proposed. 本文首先介绍了样点分割在生物芯片技术中所处的重要意义,并分析了生物芯片样点偏转角度误差来源以及构成原因,提出了全自动化的图像微阵列偏转角度计算及样点分割的统一解决方案。
- The nozzle type and impacting angle are the key parameters for the dimple structure profile, directly changing the shape of machining dimples. 喷嘴的形状、尺寸和喷射角度的不同直接改变加工凹坑的轮廓,是影响微磨料空气射流加工轮廓结构形状的关键因素。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- The Multi-work Condition Declivitous Impact Testing System was introduced which has variable impacting angle, rigidity, and length of stroke, and has elastic booster to increase impacting intensity. 摘要论述了多工况斜面冲击试验新系统,具有碰撞角度和壁障刚度可调,斜面冲程和冲击角度可选,并装有弹性助力系统以提高冲击强度等特点。
- The effects on straightness measurement are analyzed for the cube-corner retroreflector with angle errors, surface errors, yaw, pitch and roll. 分析了角锥棱镜的制造角差、面形误差和测量过程中角锥棱镜的偏摆、俯仰、滚转对直线度测量的影响。
- In a short period, the platform angle errors are constants, and can be estimated by the least squares estimation (LSE) method. 由于短时间内,平台角误差可以看作是常值,因此可以采用最小二乘的方法进行估计。
- These bullets fragment on impact. 这些子弹射中物体时爆炸成碎片。
- Automatic Prism Angle Error Measurement 棱镜角误差测试的自动化