- Furthermore,PD patients with deficency of liver and kidney of impairment of Qi and blood were the better indicators. 而且更适用于肝肾不足、气血两虚兼见痰瘀证型的治疗。
- Impairment of yang and obstruction of qi 损伤阳气、阻滞气机
- It is an authentic work of Qi Baishi. 这是齐白石的真迹。
- Mild impairment of memory or learning ability. 记忆力和学习能力减弱。
- Cabbage is a well-known example of Qi's work. “白菜”是齐白石的一个著名作品。
- The State of Qi grew more powerful day by day. 这样,齐国变得越来越富,齐国人过得越来越好,而国王的威望,自然也就越来越高了。
- The blood serves as the mother of Qi. 血为气之母
- The man of Qi worries in case the sky should fall. 杞人忧天。
- Locating the Impairment of Human Cognitive Function during Hypoxia. 急性缺氧条件下脑认知功能发生障碍的时段。
- Showing impairment of energy or strength; enfeebled. 衰弱的表现出精力或力量受到削弱的;虚弱无力的
- Impairment of the usefulness or value of person or property; harm. 损害,破坏对有用或有价值的人或财产的破坏; 伤害
- Loss or impairment of the ability to make decisions or act independently. 意志缺失,丧志症做出决断或独自行动的能力遭到损害或丧失
- There is a minister called Yan Ying in the state of Qi. 齐国有一个叫晏婴的大臣。
- The disharmony of qi and blood may cause various diseases. 气血不和,百病乃变化而生。
- The prince was given a warm reception in the State of Qi. 晋文公在齐国得到了很好的接待,齐恒公还把齐国的一个公主嫁给了他。
- The king of Qi was released and pleased with Chunyu Kun. 齐威王松了一口气,十分满意淳于髡的表现,并决定设宴为他庆功。
- From the history of the State of Qi, we can draw the conclusion. 从齐国的历史发展过程中可以总结出这一规律。
- Impairment of speech and verbal comprehension, especially when associated with brain injury. 难语症,诵读困难症语言或文字理解能力受损,尤指那些与大脑受损伤相联系的
- Put it in the flour without impairment of its surface. 把它放入面粉中且不损伤它的表面。
- impairment of qi 气伤