- Their jargon is impenetrable to an outsider. 他们的行话外人听不懂。
- impenetrable jargon. 令人费解的行话
- Expert often confuse laymen with their jargon. 专家们常常用行话把外行弄得稀里糊涂。
- The motive for the crime was impenetrable. 那起罪行的作案动机叫人捉摸不透。
- I couldn't make out the baby's jargon. 我听不懂那婴孩说的难懂的话。
- Avoid computer jargon when you write for laymen. 写东西给一般人看时,应避免使用电脑术语。
- impenetraBle jargon 令人费解的行话
- The quality or condition of being impenetrable. 不能贯穿不能通过的状态或性质
- Difficult to fathom or understand; impenetrable. 不可思议的难于测量或理解的; 费解的
- The jargon of a particular group; cant. 黑话,行话某一特殊团体的行话; 黑话
- This article's so full of jargon it's just double Dutch to me. 这文章满篇术语,对我直如天书。
- He spoke such a jargon I couldn't make head or tail of what he said. 他讲那么一种方言土语,我根本不懂他说什么。
- She skipped the jargon when she read the popular science magazine. 她读那本通俗科学杂志时把其中的术语跳过未读。
- Our psychological defence is far from impenetrable. 我们国家人民的心理防卫就谈不上固若金汤了。
- Some wild pheasants love impenetrable jungles. 有些野雉喜欢生活在密密的丛林里。
- A stone once believed to be impenetrable in its hardness. 硬石,金刚石一种曾被认为在硬度上不可穿透的石头
- This history book is completely impenetrable to me. 这本历史书我完全看不懂.
- To make impenetrable by bullets. 使子弹射不透
- The jargon of jazz musicians and enthusiasts. 摇摆乐行话爵士乐师及乐迷的行话
- We fight as a single, impenetrable unit. 我们是作为一个密不透风的整体作战的。