- The imperial examinations system is originated from Sui daynasty, and was improved in Tang dynasty. 科举制是朝廷开设科目公开考试,然后根据考试成绩来选取人才,分别授予官职的一种制度。
- The traditional Imperial Examinations System was the product of historical choice, the inchoation of modernity and also the fruit of human civilization. 中国传统的科举考试制度是历史抉择的产物,也是现代性的发端。
- This discussion contains three aspects.The matriculates by stereotyped writings were the marked feature of Qing dynasty imperial examinations system. 本文主要从以下方面进行论述:以八股取士为时代特征的清代科举制约了清代诗人的诗歌积累并影响了清初诗歌的诗风;
- The imperialist examinations system was abolished in 1905. 科举制是在1905年废止的。
- The imperial examination system was the old examination system in feudal China. “科举”指中国原有的封建考试制度。
- The second trait is that the Imperial Examination System was too rigid and deeply entrenched. 其二是中国的科举制度严格而根深蒂固。
- The squire's quantity increases continuously because of the imperial examination system and retirement system. 士绅,也称乡绅,是明清时期出现的主要用语,它指居乡功名者和致仕官员。
- At the end of Qing Dynasty,the social opinion had great effect on the abolishment of the imperial examination system. 清末科举制度废除前,社会舆论摇旗呐喊,从而为科举制度的废除营造声势。
- The western missionaries paid much attention to the imperial examination system after they arrived in China. 摘要西方传教士来华后,科举制度就成了他们关注的焦点。
- After the imperial examination system was been abrogated, every government had explored how to select officials. 科举制度被废除后,历次政府均在探索如何选官、用人。
- The thesis has probed this problem via the gents" leadership in state"s power system, peasant association, the school system and popular organization after imperial examinations system was abolished. 本文从科举制废除之后的国家权力系统、农会、学堂系统及民间组织中士绅阶层的领导作用来论述这个问题,在科举制废除后的国家权力系统中士绅阶层通过地方自治机构来发挥作用;
- He fills humanistic eugenics thought in his imperial examination research,highlighting humanistic selective function of imperial examination system. 他在科举研究中一以贯之以人文主义的优生学思想,强调科举制度的人文选择功能。
- Feudal dynasty imperial examination system was selected civil and military officials Polyclinic examination of a 10-minute back-up personnel system. 科举制度是封建王朝分科考试选拔文武官员后备人才的一钟制度。
- The Eight-Part Essay writing in the Imperial Examination System has drawn much criticism, especially on the Daiyan part. 摘要科举考试专用文体之一的八股文历来受到人们的批判和指斥,其“代言”又成为人们批判八股文的重要内容。
- Alter the abolition of the Imperial Examination System, the traditional intellecturals changed into city intellectural, thus the ways of self-identity weakened and varied. 科举制度废除后,传统知识分子转变为都市知识分子,这种认同方式也随之被弱化和改变。
- He was a pious believer of stereotyped imperial examination system and protected it sincerely.At last he became a victim of stereotyped imperial examination system. 他是八股科举制度的虔诚信徒,他真诚地捍卫举业,最终成为八股科举制度的牺牲品。
- New development has been achieved after a profound study of the genders, birthplaces, family names of the poets in the Tang Dynasty and that of the imperial examination system. 摘要对唐代诗人的性别结构、籍贯结构、科举结构、姓氏结构进行考证、研究,得到了新的研究结果。
- Tang Dynasty imperial examination system, perfect in politics, breaking the powerful family aristocratic monopoly of political power to create political unity and stability. 唐朝在政治上完善科举制度,打破门阀贵族对政权的垄断,形成政治上的统一、安定。
- The struggles between the modern school system and the imperial examination system, between the new learning and the old learning, and between Western learning and Chinese learning, were all of this nature. 在“五四”以前,学校与科举之争,新学与旧学之争,西学与中学之争,都带着这种性质。
- It is a good example of freedom and pragmatism of culture that the imperial examination system was abolished.It changed the live style of scholar and the function of Chinese poetry. 废除科举制度既是思想文化自由化和实用化的具体表现,也是其重大成果,它改变了文人的生存方式,也使汉诗的功能发生了巨变。