- imposed constitutional changes 强行实行的改革
- He has also spoken against proposed constitutional changes that would make it more difficult to ban political parties. 他还发言反对加大取缔政党难度的宪法修正提案。
- What is the grassroots reaction to the constitutional change? 基层大众对宪法的改变有何反应?
- He organised a referendum to approve a constitutional change declaring socialism "irrevocable". 他组织了一次公民投票来批准一项宪法修订,即宣布社会主义是“不可撤销的”。
- This provision applies only to the federal government. The Fourteenth Amendment, which imposes constitutional restrictions on the States, does not contain similar language. 此条款仅适用于联邦政府,对州进行宪法限制的《第14修正案》未含类似的语言。
- Another constitutional change aims to improve a hidebound judicial system, introducing oral evidence and moving towards adversarial trials. 另一项宪法改革旨在改进迂腐保守的司法系统,并将口头证据和抗辩制庭审系统引入法庭。
- Based on Carl Schmitt's and Frank Michelman's theories of constitutional change, I argue that hegemony of" national democracy" has emerged in Taiwan in the post-KMT regime. 在理论层次,以德国公法学者史密特以及美国宪法学者麦可曼的理论为本,探讨台湾政治论述中两种思想取向所各自面临的问题,并对台湾未来的新宪运动以及政治认同等议题提出历史与理论之分析。
- Britain is a constitutional monarchy. 英国是君主立宪制国家。
- But one constitutional change, slipped in at the last minute and not sought by Mr Nazarbayev himself (at least officially), is overshadowing these positive moves. 但是就在修订完成最后一刻,订案里面却又多了另外一项宪法体制修订,它并不是纳扎尔巴耶夫的本意(至少从政府的角度来讲不是他的本意),这并将会使所有的积极行动付诸东流。
- His grandson now forcefully argues that the alliance can be further strengthened only if Japan plays a greater part in its own defence;hence his support for constitutional change. 如今他的外孙强硬的认为,只有日本在本国防务中扮演更重要的角色,联盟才会进一步得到巩固,因此安倍也支持日本修宪。
- He imposed his presence on us for the weekend. 他硬要跟我们一起过周末。
- The government has imposed limitation on imports. 政府已经对进口加以了限制。
- The judge imposed a fine of ten dollars on him. 法官判他罚款10 美元。
- New taxes were imposed on wines and spirits. 酒类加征新税。
- But they brush under the carpet uncomfortable facts, such as the miserable failure by the Americans to get their Bosniak friends to agree upon even a modest constitutional change in 2006. 但是他们却忽略了呗掩盖的一些让人不自在的事实,比如,由美国人的导演的一场悲剧,那就是在2006年让他们的波斯尼亚同意一定程度上的宪法修改。
- She imposed her ideas on the group. 她竭力把自己的想法强加於全组的人。
- The government imposed censorship on the press. 政府对新闻媒体施行审查制度。
- The government imposed a heavy tax on luxury goods. 政府对奢侈品课以重税。
- The nobility usually resist social changes. 贵族通常反对社会变革。
- They want to see substantial changes. 他们想看到实质性的变化。