- impure calcium oxide 不纯氧化钙
- Calcium oxide can neutralize peptic acid better than calcium carbonate. 氧化钙较碳酸钙能中和胃酸。
- A rare plagioclase feldspar with high calcium oxide content occurring in igneous rocks. 钙长石一种氧化钙含量很高稀有斜长石,多出现于火成岩中
- A substance,such as calcium oxide or silica gel,that has a high affinity for water and is used as a drying agent. 干燥剂,脱水剂一种对水有很强吸附性的物质,常用作干燥剂例如:氧化钙,锗化硅等
- A substance, such as calcium oxide or silica gel, that has a high affinity for water and is used as a drying agent. 干燥剂,脱水剂一种对水有很强吸附性的物质,常用作干燥剂例如:氧化钙,锗化硅等
- Active Ingredients: Diatomaceous Earth, Sodium Alginate, Calcium Oxide, Magnesium Carbonate,Gold and Gold pigment. 活性成分:硅藻土,海藻酸钠,氧化钙,碳酸镁,黄金及黄金色素。
- The thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate produces calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. 碳酸钙加热分解,生成氧化钙和二氧化碳。
- This paper discussed the preparation of calcum peroxide from calcium oxide and hydrogen peroxide at normal temperature. 以生石灰和双氧水为原料,通过添加稳定剂,实现了过氧化钙的常规合成。
- Calcium oxide, although having excellent refractory properties, is rarely used because of hydration by atmospheric water vapour. 尽管氧化钙有卓越的耐火特性,却很少使用到,因为和大气水蒸汽容易发生水合作用。
- The siliceous impurities in the ore are removed by reaction with the calcium oxide that is formed when the limestone is heated, CaO + SiO2--Ca-SiO3. 矿石中含硅的杂质同氧化钙(加热石灰石形成的)化合而被排除出去。
- In the presence of water,calcium oxide catalyst was prepared for ethoxylation of alkylphenol, The catalyst has high catalytic activity. 水存在下,由氧化钙制成的烷基酚乙氧基化催化剂,具有良好的催化活性。
- Common flocculants are PAM, activated silica gel, glue, sodium alginate, chlorine, calcium oxide, activated carbon, and so on. 常见的助凝剂有PAM、活化硅胶、骨胶、海藻酸钠、氯气、氧化钙、活性炭等。
- Steel Mill in South America has successfully tested, and uses, Red Valve Type A Pinch Valves on dry Calcium Oxide in fine grain size on their continuous casting steel process. 在南美洲的一座钢厂里,美国红阀公司A型夹管阀已经成功地通过测试并成功地应用在连续铸钢工艺中的细粒生石灰控制过程中。
- As to the steel slag, the effect of reducing alkali aggregate reaction is better when alkali reactivity is low and the content of free calcium oxide and periclase is low. 对于钢渣,当碱活性低,游离氧化钙和方镁石的含量低时,抑制碱集料反应的效果愈好。
- The content of calcium oxide is lower than all the other exported slabstone in our country, and has the strongest ability of acid-resistant,weather-resistance. 此外,并有灰、绿、黄锈板石资源可供出口。
- In some religions pork is considered impure. 某些宗教认为猪肉是亵渎的。
- The dolomite is calcined to form the mixture of calcium oxide and magnesia,then the mixture is extracted by ammonium chloride solution and ammonium sulfate solution respectively. 通过对煅烧后的白云石中所含的氧化钙和氧化镁,分别采用氯化铵溶液和硫酸铵溶液进行浸提,使其中的钙、镁得到较好的分离。
- Carbothermic reduction of zinc sulfide in the presence of lithium carbonate and calcium oxide was carried out in a thermogravimetic analysis system (TGA). 中文摘要本文探讨碳酸锂与氧化钙存在下的硫化锌碳热还原反应。
- Later, tried every time washed through some citric acid washed again, some of the top roller surface impurities calcium, reactions to the formation of ratherish substances. 结果,试着在屡屡洗完后,再用些柠檬酸乾洗一遍,使胶辊暗不天的一些钙类杂质爆不收化学不正答,变成难溶精神以便冲洗肮脏。
- The air of a big city is often impure. 大城市的空气往往是污浊的。