- She was in a cheerful frame of mind. 她心情愉快。
- He is now in a cheerful habit mind. 他现在心情很愉快。
- He talk of his trip to hongkong in a cheerful voice. 他兴高采烈地谈了他的香港之行。
- He talked of his trip to Hong Kong in a cheerful voice. 他兴高采烈地谈了他的香港之行。
- He talked of his trip to HongKong in a cheerful voice. 他兴高采烈地谈了他的香港之行。
- To say, sing, or play(something) in a cheerful, rhythmic manner. 快轻的有节奏的说、唱或演奏
- The talk was conducted in a cordial atmosphere. 会谈是在热情友好的气氛中进行的。
- The peoples are in a festal atmosphere. 各族人民都沉浸在节日的气氛之中。
- The whole city was immersed in a festival atmosphere. 全城沉浸在节日的气氛中。
- The party proceeded in a warm and cordial atmosphere. 晚会在热烈诚挚的气氛中进行。
- In a joyful, cheerful, or happy manner; merrily. 欢快地用快乐的、高兴的方式; 喜气洋洋地
- If you provide the information in a cheerful way, that is positive recognition. 如果你以一种令人愉快的方式提供信息的话,那是肯定的认可。
- He has a yen to be alone in a boat. 他渴望独自待在一条船上。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy. 在一阵痛恨的狂乱中,他杀死了敌人。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- The city was bathed in a festive atmosphere. 这座城市沉浸在节日的气氛中。
- She is a receptionist in a doctor's office. 她在一位医生的诊所中担任接待员。
- Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill. 棉布是由棉纺厂生产的。
- We are immersed in a joyous festival atmosphere. 大家沉浸在节日的欢愉气氛中。