- I proceed half-heartedly, in a kind of dream. 我也象在做梦一样半心半意地干着。
- I was in a kind of fright beyond my grief. 我那恐怖的心情超过了我的悲哀。
- The manager is in a kind of loop. 管理者处于某种环形道之中。
- He went on reading in a kind of stupor. 他怀着一种麻痹的神情继续读下去。
- I seemed to be wrapped in a kind of mist. 我好象被一种迷雾笼罩住了。
- We've found a kind of paradise in a flowers bloom. 在盛开的花朵间,我们觅得一种乐园。
- Let life slip past time in a kind of dream. 在醉生梦死之中听从生命悄然流逝。
- Kunta lay numbly, in a kind of stupor. 昆塔麻木地躺在那里,陷于一种痴呆的状态。
- Immune cell is visible part in a kind. 免疫细胞就是有形成分里一种。
- I like her in a kind, but she is ugly. 我有点喜欢她, 但她长得丑。
- She was,shall we say,in a kind of trance. 她可以说是处在一种幻觉中.
- The two lovers are living in a kind of dreamworld; but they'll come down to earth. 这两个情况生活在一种梦幻世界中; 但他们终要回到现实中来。
- For short trips you may ride in a" sand flea," a kind of jeep. 要短途旅行一把吗?驾“沙漠跳蚤”(款吉普车)啊!
- Their mood is in a kind of fluctuant angst condition. 他们的情绪处于一种波动的焦虑状态。
- In a sense, contribution is a kind of acquirement and blest. 况且在分享的同时,还会获得更多的反响和分享。
- He has a yen to be alone in a boat. 他渴望独自待在一条船上。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- Honey is a kind of invigorant which is rich in a lot of nutrition. 蜂蜜是一种营养丰富的天然滋补品。
- In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy. 在一阵痛恨的狂乱中,他杀死了敌人。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。