- Selfishness in any form is my pet aversion. 我最讨厌自私自利,不管它以什么形式出现。
- I'm not looking for trouble in any shape or form. 我压根儿就不是在自找麻烦。
- In any case you must arrive there on time. 无论如何你必须按时到达那里。
- Your son doesn't take after you in any way. 你的儿子一点也不像你。
- In any case he can not give up it. 他无论如何不会放弃它。
- He would not commit himself in any way. 他不愿做出任何承诺。
- In any event, we should carry on with our research. 无论如何,我们必须坚持研究。
- I won't give in in any instance. 在任何情况下我都不会妥协。
- I don't want to prejudice your chances in any way. 我决不想破坏你的机会。
- TV sets are available in any department stores. 电视机在任何一家百货公司里都能买到。
- In any event, the worst that she can do is say no'. 不管怎样,她大不了就是说个`不'字。
- He likes to read deeply in any subject that he chooses to study. 他喜欢深入研读他所选定的任何一门学科。
- In any event I'll telephone you before I make a final decision. 不管怎样,我会先打电话给你,然后再作最后的决定。
- Members must sign in any guests that they bring to the club. 俱乐部成员必须为其带到俱乐部所有客人们登记。
- In any case, book the tickets first. 无论如何先把票订好。
- Sandra is a strict vegetarian and won't eat meat in any shape or form. 桑德拉是个严格的食素者,不吃任何形式的肉类制品。
- He's such a friendly person that he mixes well in any company. 他为人那样和蔼可亲,他和什么人都合得来。
- In any case, you'll need to be at the station by nine. 无论如何你都要在九点钟前赶到车站。
- In any dispute, he always comes down on the side of the angels. 在任何争执中,他总是反对正确的一方。
- I'll probably see you tomorrow, but in any event I'll phone. 明天我可能来看你,万一我来不了,我会打电话的。