- An accountant in cahoots with organized crime. 一个与犯罪组织相勾结的会计
- The mayor's enemies spread a rumor that he was in cahoots with gangsters. 市长的仇人散布谣言说,市长与歹徒暗自勾结。
- Were my friends in cahoots with the teahouse? 我的朋友们是不是跟茶馆串通好了?
- The hanged captain had been in cahoots with the enemy. 被处决的上尉犯有通敌罪。
- Some of the new employees are in cahoots with each other. 有些新员工相互合谋共事。
- Hsu : Be careful. They may be in cahoots with gangsters. 小徐:小心点。他们说不定跟黑道有勾结。
- Some people believe that the company directors are in cahoots with the government. 有些人相信公司的董事们与政府勾结。
- Others have retreated into steamy nationalist ghettos, sometimes in cahoots with the new authorities. 另外一些教会则撤入民族主义盛行的犹太区有权贵相勾结。
- But Japan's regulators for a long while were in cahoots with banks over hiding their bad loans. 而日本的监管者很长一段时间以来则与银行狼狈为奸,共同隐藏坏帐。
- Are you willing to work in cahoots with your true friend, until one or the other of us gets tired of the partnership? 你愿意和你的忠实朋友合伙直到有人感到厌倦为止吗?
- Tia is in cahoots with Carruth but Lincoln has taken Tia's wallet. Lincoln sends T-Bag and Self to Tia's apartment. 蒂亚其实是卡鲁斯(抢走“锡拉”的人)合谋,但林肯拿走了她的钱包。林肯命令西奥多和赛尔夫去蒂亚的公寓查看。
- Outright seizures of firms by criminal raiders, usually in cahoots with security or justice officers, are frequent. 犯罪分子经常伙同公共安全或司法官员公开地夺取一些公司。
- TR: The only way I write is when I'm in cahoots with somebody, when I already have a book or a script, and then I embellish. 只有和别人一起,或者有现成的书或剧本时,我才会这么做,我只是做接下来的润饰工作。
- The two criminals were in cahoots(with each other). 那两个罪犯(彼此)勾结在一起.
- Worse, suspicions that the ISI, or at least some of its officers, are still in cahoots with their jihadist enemies persist. 更糟糕的是,有关巴三军情报部门(或至少它的一些官员)同圣战分子合谋的怀疑一直没消除。
- In cahoots with private developers and companies, it is they who are producing conditions resembling the “satanic mills” of early industrial England. 它们与私营业主及公司伙同起来,炮制出类似于英国工业革命早期“撒旦作坊”般的工作环境。
- In cahoots with private developers and companies, it is they that are producing conditions resembling the satanic mills of early industrial England. 在官商勾结中,正在产生着类似于英格兰早期工业化过程中的邪恶作坊。
- Also is in cahoots with the temple messenger, claims to be is the deity falls anger, must offer a sacrifice to the prince Flick south offers only then may subside the famine. 又跟神殿的使者串通,假称是天神降怒,必须将王子弗利克索斯祭献才可平息饥荒。
- Mr Mugabe would struggle to see off a big revolt within his ZANU-PF, especially if it were in cahoots with the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). 穆加贝总统会奋力解除自己本党内的一个大的反叛,特别是能与反对党“民主变革运动(MDC)”合谋。