- The ruffian laid about in desperation. 歹徒在绝望中向四周乱打一气。
- In desperation I pleaded with the attackers. 绝望之下,我向攻击者哀求。
- The prisoner clawed at the cell door in desperation. 囚犯绝望地乱抓牢房的门。
- He kicked at the locked door in desperation. 他拼命踢着那扇锁住的门。
- In desperation he opened the third envelope. 绝望之中,他打开了第三个信封。
- In desperation, the criminal killed the boy. 在绝望中, 罪犯杀了小男孩。
- He stole the money in desperation. 他在绝望中偷了钱。
- In desperation, he bagan to kick the door. 皮诺奇绝望地用脚踢门
- In desperation, I decided to try acupuncture. 我别无出路,就决定试试针刺疗法。
- In desperation, he finally broke down the door. 最后, 他横了心把门砸开。
- In desperation he jumped out of the window when he saw that the stairs were on fire. 当他看到楼梯着了火便不顾死活从窗口跳了出去。
- In desperation I pleaded with the attack ers. 我不顾一切向攻击者哀求.
- In desperation they resorted to violence. 走投无路中,他们采取了暴力。
- The wretched people rose in desperation against their rulers. 可怜的人们冒死起来反抗他们的统治者。
- Finally, in desperation, she wrote directly to Mrs. Roosevelt. 最后,在绝望中她直接写信给罗斯福夫人。
- There is no need to sit by and watch in desperation. 更不要以绝望无助的姿态坐视不理。
- In desperation, she called Louise and asked for her help. 在走投无路的情况下,她给路易丝打了个电话请她帮忙。
- Like an animal at bay,the bandit chieftain laid about him in desperation. 土匪头子困兽犹斗,在绝望中向四面八方乱打一气。
- Like an animal at bay,the bandit chieftain laid about in desperation. 土匪头子困兽犹斗,在绝望中向四面八方乱打一气。